Filters Search Mxking Flair. View All Upcoming Events. Hey guys. Returning player. I haven’t played since Prior to leaving though, I loved playing the GTN game and making credits. I’m looking to get back into the game and I want to hear from all you rich SWTOR boys and girls on how you guys repyblic credits these days? Playing the GTN to buy low and sell high is of course a staple. However, is there anything special you do these days to make credits? Farming pets? Running rare crew missions? Guilds choose what planet to invade. If they gjide the high yield planet and complete the guild goal for the week, then each toon that completed its goal can select a crate of crafting components.
Everything you need to know about the Crafting Skills and Professions in the game!
I forgot my password. Star Wars: The Old Republic, like any other self-respecting MMORPG, provides you with a lot of possibilities when it comes to progression, questing, socializing with other players, and of course, earning Credits. Money-making methods present in SW: TOR vary greatly; some of them require hours upon hours of grind to make them work, while others do not consume even nearly as much of your precious time. However, those faster methods are usually riskier and require lots of experience in order to make them work. In order to make described methods easily comparable, we have come up with a point system. It should help you choose a gold earning activity that suits you the most. Please also remember that the most the Meta Game is fluid and the number of credits earned by doing any below-described activity may depend on the then present state of the game. You can check the table below for categories explanation scoring system in some categories may feel unintuitive or reversed, but this is necessary in order to make the Total Score straightforward. Then you have to familiarize yourself with the Network; memorize the prices, identify the hottest, and most wanted items, learn to spot occasions, and to avoid bad deals. The most important thing in all this is patience. Star Wars: The Old Republic gives you one the most important things when it comes to making money in MMOs — the freedom of choice; you are not limited to just one Credit farming method, you can mix and match them however you like to maximize your profits, and minimize boredom. Activities described above are just the tip of an iceberg as far as possibilities that the game presents go. Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below. We also plan to add further Money-making activities to the list in the foreseeable future, so stay tuned. Sign in Sign in with your Odealo account. Remember me. Log in. Create a new account Don’t have an account yet? Registration on Odealo is free and takes only about 30 seconds. Share this:. Point system explanation We have awarded a maximum of 10 points to every described farming activity in each of the following categories: Time Consumption, Fun Factor, Risk Level, Potential Profits, and Initial and Sustained Investment Needed. Time Consumption — A higher number means LESS time needed for the activity This category shows you how much time is needed in order to set your Character or yourself up for the said activity. Less repetitive activities will get better scores, but repetitive activities that feel rewarding will get some recognition as well. Potential Profits — A higher number means HIGHER potential profits this is quite straightforward; it shows how many credits an activity could earn you. Methods that will provide you with more income per hour spend will get better scores.
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Heroics Farming It is one of the most common ways for players to gather up SWTOR Credits, especially for novice players, they can only get a certain amount of Credits in the easy way. First of all, you need to go deep into the terminal on the fleet and pick up the heroics, who have different features, fast speed, high value, and easy to operate. Once you have identified your heroic, devote yourself to complete the quests, it is about 70 available, after that, you can get some credits as reward. There are a total of 74 Heroics in the game, and if you can complete all, you can earn about 1. What’s more, invite your friends to fight alongside you, which will bring you additional credits, it is indeed huge wealth, but almost no one can achieve such a goal. PVP In PVP and Galactic Starfighter, you can also earn credits by completing matches, which is more than the amount of credits you get through Heroics farming, and you have the chance to get the rare items dropping as part of your reward every week. Gathering materials and selling items In-game trading is also often seen in other games, if you have special skills in SWTOR, you can also collect materials as much as you can, and then crafting them to items in exchange for credits. However, you don’t always find the material you want, so it’s best to figure out in advance where you can find what you need. Grade 8 mats can be found at Yavin 4, and grade 9 materials are available at Zakuul swamp, Zakuul Break town and Darvanis from Chapter 14 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, besides, grade 10 materials can be found on lokath. It is a very efficient method, and you would waste much time on it. In order to understand better what the players need, you should figure out what is selling well, and what they want to buy, keep your profits and time costing when you price the goods, but don’t raise your price too much, otherwise, no one can buy it. You got such advice that crafting can make some money for you, but you’d better not do it for a long time, because you don’t always make profits, and you will even waste most of your game time. Playing the GTN Not all players can make «money» by playing the GTN, unless you are an experienced player, because it is a very dangerous job and requires much knowledge. You need to focus on the GTN and the market, once someone sells something at a low price, buy it quickly and resell to others at a higher price in a short time. You no longer need to complete quests to make money, but you will take some risks once no one is willing to buy your goods.
Some methods are simple and fast, others are slow, but more rewarding. Some of them are lightning fast, but require more experience, such as playing the GTN Game. Others are a lot simpler, but less effective, like the Heroics way. This quick guide will help you sort things. In other words — in the next few paragraphs I will list and explain for you a number of different methods to earn credits in SWTOR, ordered from least effective to most effective. One of the simplest and most effective ways to make decent amount of money without spending too much time in preparations and research is to farm Heroic Missions. You can do that as a low level too, but will earn less money from each quest, of course. At level cap each mission also rewards you with Command Experience Points CXPwhich is a side-bonus to the main goal repyblic — making money fast. Teaming up with a friend or two will speed up the process. You can pick up the Heroics from the Activities Warz, which currently is the fastest way to get the missions. Teh of the more recent additions to republicc game was the ability to quickly travel to your Mission Destination. Take full advantage of that feature! This is probably the easiest way for mpney to make good amount of money through simple gameplay and it works on any wrs and character. A much more effective, but also dangerous is the next method — crafting various items based on your character s crafting professions and gathering skills and then selling them on the Galactic Trade Network GTN or directly to other players.
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