How to make money from affiliate links from amazon

how to make money from affiliate links from amazon

Millions of people spent close to billions of U. You can get a cut of that revenue by joining and implementing affiliate offers from Amazon on your website. In this guide, we will explain to you what is Amazon Associates program and how to get started with it. Also, we will show you the best practices of how to find and promote Amazon affiliate products. Before you ho into the reading, we assumed you know and completed two things: started a blog and picked a profitable niche. Amazon Associates is one of the first online affiliate marketing programs launched in The program has a more than year track record of developing solutions to help website owners make money by trom millions how to make money from affiliate links from amazon products from Amazon. When website owners and bloggers who are Associates create links and customers click through those links and buy products from Amazon, they earn referral fees.

This is going to be long but rewarding. This is the most comprehensive guide on web to learn everything about the Amazon affiliate program which is also known as the Amazon associate program. Now, to make most out of it, remove all distractions and read on to learn, that will help you to make money in days to come. Amazon has done well to establish itself as the best e-retailer over the years, and the trust it has with its customers makes customers buy products from them over and over again. Chances are you have purchased a product from Amazon at one point of your time. You, as a blogger, a website owner, or even as an influencer can make money from Amazon affiliate program. Amazon Associates program is an affiliate marketing program that allows website owners, bloggers, YouTubers, Social media influencers, Developers to earn money from Amazon, by recommending the product. Once, you have an approved Amazon associate account, you can recommend any product on your blog, YouTube channel, Android or iOS app, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other medium and earn a handsome commission. Note: Amazon affiliate program and Amazon associate program is basically the same thing. We will be interchangeably using both in this tutorial. Veronica is a fashion blogger who finds an interesting fashion product on Amazon. Now, she wants to write about it and let others know about this new fashion product. One way, she could simply write about the product and her readers click on the link and buy the product. She gets a lot of thanks from her readers but no money. She followed the steps mentioned in this guide to signup for Amazon affiliate account and then replaced that fashion product with Amazon affiliate link.

How much can you make as Amazon affiliate

Affiliate marketing is a useful way to earn extra income if you have a blog or website. The Amazon affiliate program, called Amazon Associates, allows you to earn 4 percent or more on purchases made using a special link on your blog or website. Read more to find out how to make money with the Amazon Affiliate Program. To make money with the Amazon Affiliate Program, you first need to set up a blog or website that’s popular. You can generate traffic to your website by posting quality content and staying active on social media. Then, once you have a good following, go to Amazon’s Affiliate Program’s website and click the «Join Now for Free» button. Amazon will ask you for some information about your website and web traffic. Once you’re signed up, you can select items from Amazon to feature on your website and earn a commission on those sales! To learn how to start a website or blog to become eligible for Amazon Affiliates Program, keep reading. To create this article, 19 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 10 references. Categories: Amazon Affiliate Marketing. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Learn more Begin an online effort. The best Amazon Affiliates are bloggers or websites that add links to Amazon along with quality content on their own site.

Ok, seeing my income is great and all but how does it help you? I initially published my findings in two blog posts early last year when I first launched this blog and even today they are still among the most popular posts here and. Roughly half of my Amazon income comes from basic text links posted inside the content body area of a blog post or page. Example: Check out this cool helicopter. Simple text links in the content of an article are the most effective way to get web visitors to click. Tip: You can easily insert product images into your content using the EasyAzon plugin and earn a commission anytime someone clicks the image, goes to Amazon and makes a purchase. I alluded to this how to make money from affiliate links from amazon the previous few tips but I want to make sure you understand that each link inside one of your articles is another opportunity for a visitor to click through and make their way onto Amazon. Doing a quality product review for a product directly related to your niche is a very easy way to garner higher click thru rates and increased sales, but only if your review is higher quality. Already convinced? Sign up here ;D. For my newsletter provider I use Aweber and highly recommend. Overall I could attribute at least five to ten percent of my total income due to my email lists because I like to focus on promoting products heavily to my lists during the holidays which leads into my next tip. I target every holiday because Amazon creates an actual dedicated sales page every time one of these holidays come. The deals shared on these pages are generally really good. Some of that traffic pop is also attributed to the day I mail out to my email lists. Amazon used to have a variable fee structure where you would earn more money if you referred more sales to Amazon. Amazon did away with their variable fee structure in early and replaced that system with a fixed percentage payout based on the category of products. Note: These totals are accurate as of June but may change in the future. To see up to date info look in your Amazon Associates portal. The result was EasyAzon. The plugin allows you to insert information and affiliate links to Amazon in a much faster way than creating the links yourself by hand from Amazon. Short Summary: Basically what the plugin does is allow you to quickly insert a text based affiliate link, the image of the product as an affiliate link, a product information grid, convert US Amazon links to UK, GR .
