How to steal youtube vidoes and make money reddit

how to steal youtube vidoes and make money reddit

Please read the rules before posting, or posts may be removed. Never give out personal information ; it shouldn’t be asked for. Why haven’t Youtube done anything yet? Video From LaserBeam with 5. After he Exposed 1 channel they keep changing their name over and over and over to hopefully prevent that Youtube will suspend. LaserBeam says that Youtube refuse to listen to a huge Youtube channel on issues like this probably because They added a system to demonitize channels for duplication, stealing etc. But they ignore Compilation channels for some reason? Let’s say that they don’t monetize any content at all, It’s ALL content ID matched videos as some of you want to think. That still doesn’t explain why they are in the Youtube Partner Program. How to steal youtube vidoes and make money reddit can you know that they are in the Youtube Partner Program? Because videos containing a update from them without any stolen clips are monetized, Their livestreams are monetized with a Youtube donation button. All of these are signs of the channel being in the Youtube Partner Program, Their entire channel is duplication so why should they even be in the Youtube Partner Program? Here is a bunch of Twitch compilation channels making a few grand a month by just stealing content.

2. Sponsorships

I haven’t seen this one on Reddit before so I thought I would post. Maybe it is a fluke but I started doing youtube videos 2 years ago when I became unemployed and haven’t stopped since. It’s very challenging but I keep at it and my views and income seem to grow a little every few months. People don’t realize that there are a lot of opportunities to make money doing video, esp. I know a lot of people are hurting with the Economy right now and maybe this might help someone. No I’m not sxephil or shaytard. I have a medium sized channel and my videos get , views. If you develop an audience, you can have affiliate sponsors, sell ebooks, tshirts or anything else you can think of I don’t edit a lot so I don’t really need something too sophisticated. Don’t use anything copyrighted I think the biggest thing i do differently is that I am very interactive with my subscriber base. I talk on the phone, I visit them, I help them promote websites

how to steal youtube vidoes and make money reddit

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YouTube subscribers is equivalent to followers on Instagram or Twitter. These types of metrics are some of the first things people start listing off when it comes to measuring the success of their social media channels. Beyond the measuring contest, though, gauging success based on YouTube subscriber count falls short of accurately measuring anything other than your pride. Sorry to be so blunt. Maybe you want to monetize from ads, freebies, sponsorship, etc. In either of those cases, your subscriber count will do very little to impact your eventual success. The question itself is impossible to answer because the person asking is looking at the wrong measurement: subscriber count. In order to effectively monetize, the big number that matters is your views count. Even if you have a million subscribers, getting only ten views per video will net you with pennies per month. And before you start trying to argue that more subscribers equals more views, take a look at this channel. Take a look at their view count. Over the past two months, their most popular video got views. So over the two months, this creator was not able to leverage their YouTube subscribers at all, resulting in earning maybe a dollar or two through YouTube monetization. Of course, there are other ways to monetize, such as by fielding and answering questions from your fans on Worthyt. But the success of most of the additional ways of monetization depend on video view count, not YouTube subscriber count. In YouTube Studio, within the analytics section, you should be looking at your Views first. Views show you how many people have watched your videos. I personally think that 28 days is a great time frame to measure, because it is over essentially a month. To maximize monetization, views count is one of the numbers you should get higher. Of course, increasing your YouTube views count requires you to get creative; after all, if it was really that easy then everyone could do it. Some primary things you should focus on are:. YouTubers get famous because they create content that a particular audience enjoys tremendously. No one gets famous due to their subscriber count. YouTuber Shan Boody said this about views count:.

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Please read the rules before posting, or posts may be removed. Never give out personal information ; it shouldn’t be asked for. Help, someone is stealing my videos! I found some Chinese creator reuploading my videos on his channel and making millions of views on. They do nothing but reupload my videos with Chinese subtitles. I use royalty free music and backgrounds on my videos but it take days to make a single video. Can they simply use my video without my permission? Aren’t they in violations youtube copyright rules? Because they say they’re using it for jow purpose but they clearly have ads running on. Is there anyway I can claim revenue from them for my mmoney I don’t want to strike their channel with copyright mpney they clearly have more than 3 of my videos and if I do their channel will be suspended. I tried Freedom network my current MCN to help but they refused because I have royalty free music playing on my video. I’ll be leaving freedom as soon as possible because they want my share of revenue but wouldn’t help when I need. Edit: update — I claimed three of my videos and he promptly deleted all of. He emailed me to remove the copyright claim ajd I refused.
