How do you make money as a fish owner

how do you make money as a fish owner

Many fish hobbyists dream of opening a tropical fish store, sometimes called an LFS local fish store by hobbyists. While this undoubtedly is a fascinating undertaking, it also is a complicated, high-maintenance, costly endeavor. Success demands extensive knowledge about tropical fish along with keen business smarts and a deep passion for this pursuit. Opening a tropical fish store requires a lot of money upfront. If you start with 50 display tanks to hold the fish and plants you will be selling, expect to spend several hundred dollars per tank on setup costs. In addition to the tanks, each one will need heating, lighting, filtration, and aeration. Depending on the size and types of tanks you choose and the types of equipment you use, prices can vary. Those costs do not include the heavy-duty shelving required to hold the tanks. Whether you buy prebuilt shelving or hire a contractor to build it to your specifications, expect the cost to be at least what you spent on the tanks and associated equipment. When choosing a location, plan on hiring a contractor to make necessary renovations to handle your extensive electrical and plumbing needs. Supporting 50 or more display tanks plus your show tank means your location will need sufficient wiring to handle the filtration, heating, and lighting equipment. You’ll also need sufficient plumbing for efficient water changes. A large show tank is another necessity.

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aquarium or fish shop bussiness profit of margin

There are several different ways to run such a business, including working from home or renting space in a pet store. The important thing is to network with as many people with aquariums as possible and establish yourself as an expert who can help them maintain healthy, thriving tanks. Small Business Business Ideas. By Alyssa Gregory. Relatively low start-up costs. You’ll need some basic supplies such as buckets, water changing tubes, faucet adaptors, and so on, but the tools to professionally maintain aquariums are not as expensive as the aquariums and equipment you’ll be maintaining.

how do you make money as a fish owner

Start a pet fish store by following these 9 steps:

Let’s say you invest in a well put together fishing vessel about 70 feet or more possibly a longliner worth over k and you are the owner. Is that a good way to make money. You yourself don’t have to go do the dangerous job, others do it for you and there mnoey a lot of money in the fishing game with the right amount of luck.

Get insurance on your boat in case it sinks or something else happens. Is it worth it?? In an investment kind of way. I think you would be lucky to find a serviceable 40′ commercial fishing vessel with all required equipment for k, let alone a 70 footer. Boats, electronics, and commercial equipment is all very expensive. You will also have to be prepared to offer up a considerable amount of money for operating costs as.

These ws vessels go through ridiculous amounts of gas, not to mention bait, tackle, and ice every trip. Plus you will be paying crazy amounts for commercial nake and insurance ownet top of it. The other major problem you would run into as an outside owner is the crew. He knows yuo the fish are and moneyy knows how to get. The fanciest boat in the world, with top of the line electronics will never be able outfish that guy given his knowledge, and good captains guard their secret spots as close as Colonel Sanders guarded his chicken recipe.

Trying to get one of these good captains to work for you rather than for himself will be difficult. If you manage to get a good honest captain, he’s not going to come cheap. Then you’re going to be paying the rest of the crew on top of it and hope they are all reliable. All things considered, I think it would be an awful outside investment. It could be a totally different story in other regions, but that’s my opinion based on my knowledge of the joney fishing industry in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Answer Save. Eric D. Robert Johns Lv how do you make money as a fish owner. There is money to be made in long lining, but it is nothing that you will get rich doing. If you hire ALL of the work done for you, it will reduce the revenue for the boat. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

More Money Hacks

Keeping fish is an expensive hobby and if you can earn some money doing what you already love, why not do it? After all, if you could breed just a few of the more expensive fish at home, you could probably earn some decent money — or at least cover the next aquarium purchase. The problem is that fish are now raised on an industrial scale, and the days where one guy was out collecting them in a dugout canoe are mostly gone. In fact, if you do it right, it can be enough to help defray the costs of this hobby which have almost put me in the poor house more than. But then how do you breed fish for money? Below are the four ways to make money breeding fish and invertebrates. Breeding popular, long established fish is probably the best way for most people to make some extra money on the side from this hobby. There will always be demand for fish like guppiesplatiesbristlenose plecosand other easy to breed fish. Yes, these fish are readily available and cheap at most of the big box stores — but have you seen the tanks there? If you plan to make money this way, the first thing you must do is check out your local market. Then start breeding and offering the fish for sale on local forums, or sites like Craigslist, eBay, or Aquabid. But you really have to watch your profit margin when breeding these kinds of fish. Once again, this is highly dependent on your area, and you need to do a bit of research before you settle on what you want to breed. But some examples of the oddballs are shrimp, snails, or exotic looking fish like blind cave tetras. None of these sell for that much money, but there is a demand for them, and they can be incredibly hard to. But still, almost no one thinks to breed. And if you can ship these oddball fish, then you can really produce a steady income. Strangely enough, the one thing that always seems to sell is live food for fish. There is always demand for live food, and it costs virtually nothing to get everything up and running. And not only does most live food reproduce fast, but it also sells for a lot — often much more than individual fish.
