Make money going green

make money going green

Find out how you can add a little green to your bank account while also adding some green back into the environment. One major way to make money while helping the planet is to work for a green company. In addition, companies whose primary business practices may not be altogether eco-friendly sometimes operate corporate social responsibility programs focused on green initiatives. Aside from large enterprises, there are countless small make money going green and startup companies committed to a greener planet. Why not feel good about going to work everyday? Got the entrepreneurship bug? Start by going paperless or using energy efficient equipment. When you use equipment like Energy Star appliances, electric vehicles, and LED lighting, you can save a considerable amount ma,e your utility. Secure a booth at your local farmers grene and start selling the surplus organic produce from your garden. Start a blog with tips on green travel, green fashion, or whatever suits your fancy!

1. Switch to eco-friendly lighting

Our environment is in dire shape, and we seem to be running out of everything while trash and pollution seem to never stop increasing. But trying to live a little greener can seem quite daunting. Beyond recycling, what more can you do? Where do you start? Here is a list of 40 basic entry points to a sustainable lifestyle that will not only go easy on the planet, but will go easy on your wallet, too. Sustainability starts at home, in your household and in your neighborhood. To save money by going green a little at a time, I suggest picking two or three things to do off the following list that seem easy to start right away—and start doing them this week. This will not only give you steady progress and steady savings, but it will take any overwhelm out of the whole process! Install sink water aerators. These are cheap and easy to install and they greatly reduce the flow of water out of your sink, saving you money and water use. Learn more about saving water at home. Install low-flow shower heads. A low flow showerhead can significantly reduce the water coming out of your shower head without reducing water pressure. Some of them are quite fancy! Put a brick in your toilet tank. Make your old toilet into a low flow toilet by putting a brick wrapped in a waterproof plastic bag or a recycled plastic bottle full of sand into your tank. This will displace and reduce the amount of water wasted on every flush.

make money going green

Lightweight flights cost less

This resource shows how to cut costs, motivate employees, enhance reputation and increase sales — while helping the environment, employees, and the community. See information on specific actions Bloom Centre and Marbek Consultants. The majority of plant fuel and energy use comes from equipment and processes p. How much will it nake Costs are generally low, but time is required.

Incentives and jake may be available through your energy supplier or the energy funding database Natural Gree Canada. Payback without incentives is months. How do I do it? Maintain boilers and mwke air systems. Monitor and track energy use. Insulate equipment and pipes. The company reduced steam pressure without affecting plant performance and without any capital investment. Costs vary, depending on the age of the car and whether it has been continuously maintained.

Some time and expertise are needed. Schedule regular tune-ups. Ensure tires are properly inflated. Use the recommended motor oil. Costs are low. Some time is needed to plot a more efficient route.

Route optimization software is available, some for free. Consider an online route-scheduling program.

Makke programs not vouched for by this resource :. Save money: Within the same vehicle class e. Costs vary depending on the model chosen. Vehicles that use non-gasoline fuel e. Review your options. New fuel-efficient vehicles are constantly being developed. These actions also reduce material and water use, equipment wear-and-tear, and labour costs.

Costs vary by action details. Actions take time and expertise. Incentives and rebates may be goinb see treen energy funding database Mak Resources Canada. Consider amke with an energy services company ESCO. The ESCO will make changes for free, to be paid for from your future energy savings. Payback is 6 months — 4 years, depending on the actions taken details. Energy-efficiency projects have a payback of 1. Install exhaust gas heat recovery systems, smart controls on chillers and compressors, and energy-saving motors and pumps.

Save grefn For each degree adjustment, save about 5. Calculate the exact savings with the small business energy calculator IESO. Cost is minimal. HVAC is the largest energy user in commercial buildings. Costs mkae low, but some time and expertise are required.

Identify and block duct leaks. Check airflow. Clean coils. Change filters. Payback is years. Fill gaps around doors and window frames with caulk, spray foam, and insulation.

Replace cracked window and door weatherstripping. Install door sweeps at gaps. Costs vary. Time and expertise are required. Incentives and rebates are available. Check with your energy supplier and the energy funding database Natural Resources Canada.

Consider an energy services company ESCOwhich makes changes at no cost. An ESCO is paid with the annual savings from your energy-efficiency project. Payback without incentives is years, depending on the action details. Involve a contractor; your energy supplier can make recommendations. Payback was 6 years.

Lighting is typically the second largest energy user in commercial buildings. More efficient light also reduces cooling costs. Increase employee productivity: Efficient lights improve employee productivity by providing better quality light.

For example, fluorescent lights cost more initially than incandescent bulbs, but last times longer and require less maintenance. Incentives and rebates are frequently available.

Without incentives, payback from replacing incandescent lamps with CFLs is months. Payback from replacing T12 with T8 lamps greej years. Replace T12 lamps with T8s. In addition, more efficient lighting produces less heat, reducing cooling costs. Increase employee productivity: More efficient lighting can deliver better quality light. Costs are low for compact fluorescent lights CFLshigher mke the other types of lighting.

Contact your energy supplier and check the energy funding database Natural Resources Canada. Payback without incentives is years.

Energy saver settings cut computer power consumption in half. Learn how mxke activate computer energy saver settings US government. Save money: Savings vary by product. Some products may have a slightly higher purchase price, but will cost less to run. Monwy and rebates are available Natural Resources Canada. Choose Energy Star options when buying computers, commercial monry, food service equipment, building products, electronics, and lighting.

Products are listed online. The new freezers also improved the customer experience. Reduce paper use to save the costs of printing, copying, mailing, and storing paper. These costs are more than 30 times the purchase cost of paper p. Costs will vary depending on the type of material reduced and reused. Set priorities based on the waste produced. Discuss reducing and reusing with your employees. Ask what others have done to reduce and reuse materials. Evaluate the plan after a few months, and make changes.

Benefits come from increased efficiencies, reduced risk, and reduced costs. Increase profitability and sales: Reducing wastewater, air pollution and toxics improves image makf can lead to preferred supplier status. Innovate: Waste reduction leads to innovation.

Shorten permitting time by complying with regulations. Actions require expertise and time. Determine the source of waste, identify alternative solutions, and take action.

Maje money: Recycling is often less expensive than paying disposal costs. Recycling large amounts of waste may require the following : employee time, a storage area, and new equipment for sorting waste.

Check with provincial recycling councils for recycling facilities in your area. Ask whether other companies can use the waste you generate. Increase sales: Two-thirds of businesses reported or anticipated increased sales after adopting an environmental management system EMS.

Major customers e. Payback was months : faster make money going green medium-sized companies than for small companies.

Save Money Going Green (Best Eco Friendly Products Ideas)

Going green=more green

Corporate sustainability efforts are sometimes framed as acts of altruism — but for big businesses, protecting the environment is often good for the bottom line. Nike Inc. That has kept more than 3. The company is spending less on transportation, materials and waste disposal. Those flimsy plastic water bottles sold by Nestle? The ultra-thin design has a smaller impact on the environment while pushing down costs associated with packaging and shipping. Tech giants have spent billions of dollars on solar and wind power, cutting greenhouse-gas emissions and energy expenditures at the same time. Alphabet Inc. The business case for going green has never been stronger as companies find ways to joney more from. United Airlines Holdings Inc. United redesigned airplane bathrooms, switched out beverage monet and ended duty-free sales. Clarion Partners does that at all its hotels and went a step further by reducing flows through toilets, faucets and showerheads. Walmart runs one of the biggest trucking fleets in the United States.
