By now Etsy is a well-known on-line market place for all things handmade including artwork. Many artists have turned a decent profit selling original art and art prints. Here is «the skinny» on how it works and a few tips to keep in mind for selling your art on Etsy. Etsy is a shopping cart platform that allows you to sell your work without a monthly fee. You only pay Etsy when you add a product into your store and again when the item sells. As soon as you sell art on Etsy you pay Etsy 3. You with me so far? The other costs you need to consider when pricing your items on Etsy are the price for packaging the work and shipping the work. You might want to calculate the options for shipping with tracking and shipping with insurance especially if you are selling original art. You can create links on your website and Facebook page to drive traffic to Etsy. Some people put a link in their Twitter profile and Instagram profile as. The message here is don’t count on people discovering your work just through Etsy. It is a huge online marketplace so don’t be surprised if you don’t get many sales through Etsy right away. You have to be actively using Etsy so that you don’t just get lost in the sea of other Etsy sellers.
Mixing Art and Business
Check it out. You absolutely can make money with the skills you already have. Don’t believe me? Check out the results of one of my students who sells his artwork on Etsy. Ramit Sethi. I have something special for you today. He took my systems and applied it to his business: selling posters on Etsy. The How did he do this? Besides increasing prices and value , Ben implemented a simple but incredibly effective technique for increasing sales: cross-selling related products. Back in June , Ben graduated from his high school in small-town Utah. Seventeen years old, he wanted to earn money online. Then he had an epiphany. Tees were screwing me, so I started printing on paper. I thought I was some kid selling artwork. I looked at the payment plan and figured out how I would make the payments. The price was reasonable and I could afford it, so I bought. We all love collecting things.
Why It’s So Hard to Get Consistent Sales
After 12 years in the online market, Etsy has become the go-to platform for artists all over the world to sell their goods. What I love about Etsy is that it provides an easily accessible way to utilize your talents and start a side business at home. But how do you run an Etsy shop? How much time does it take? How much money can you make? To answer these questions, I interviewed 20 shop owners on their experiences. If you have ever wanted to open your own Etsy shop, or have a shop but want to make things better, read on to learn what it takes from real sellers! Thanks to all the great shop owners who took the time to share their knowledge! Check out links to their shops throughout the post! Etsy, an online marketplace where users can sell handmade and unique goods, vintage items, and crafting supplies. The marketplace has seen incredible growth over the past several years. It started , grew to 56, sellers by , and now has over 1. Etsy defines an active seller as any shop that has had at least one product sale in the last 12 months. The way Etsy makes money as a corporation is by charging the seller fees when they list and sell products.
What it Means to Sell in Someone Else’s Online Gallery
Etsy is amazing, mostly because it provides a medium through which you can sell all kinds of artsy, crafty things. It is almost the perfect side hustle platform for people who want to work on creative projects and make a bit of extra money at the same time. But did you know that graphic designers can also earn some extra cash on the site? Can you really make money selling printable wall art on Etsy? We’re talking about selling on Etsy, so the first thing to talk about is Etsy.
What is the site and why rely on it? It is essentially a website that lets you put homemade arts-and-crafts projects up for sale. They make selling stuff online super easy. They even handle payments, give you a platform for messaging, allow you to basically set up your own storefront….
We all know that getting something printed at the FedEx store is way cheaper than buying a full-sized piece of art. Plus, this eliminates shipping costs. This was a question that actually gnawed at me for a moment. Why would someone pay for printable wall art? I can see buying wall art that I could not produce on my own… but I also have some graphic design skills and software. So most of the stuff I was looking at was stuff that I could put together and print out without buying it.
All I had to do was purchase digital downloads of the right kinds of artwork from artists, create the art in Photoshop, and then get it printed. The only reason I was thinking about it this way was because I already knew how to use Photoshop to lay out graphics. So as it turns out, laying out wall art and selling digital copies of it is genius.
It provides cool artwork at a super-affordable price for people who could not otherwise lay it out for themselves… but it also gives the artist-in-question a way to how much money can i make selling art on etsy digital copies of their art in the process. As you know, digital copies cost nothing to distribute online… so this is a very, very efficient side-hustle idea.
And yet, that company has how much money can i make selling art on etsy over 1, downloads! Some of these stores had literally thousands of downloads. Keep in mind that the person selling the printable artwork never has to touch it. All they have to do is design it, upload it, maintain their store, answer buyer questions.
Of course, they only pay a few dollars for the download… but they end up with amazing art that is far cheaper to buy than artwork that is already printed.
Plus, they can decide how big they want it, what kind of frame they want. So, as you can see, there is a lot of potential for people to make excellent money on this side-hustle. This gets the listing on the site for four months. Of course, you will need some equipment to get the ball rolling. You will need the means to lay out graphics, create the filetypes, and design the artwork.
It literally does not get any cheaper than that! Of course, no side hustle is perfect… and neither is this one. One of the biggest downsides to this hustle is that there is a lot of competition on Etsy for niches like this one. But, you can also do yourself a favor by focusing on a more specific type of artwork for this category. The more specific you get, the less competition there will be.
At first, you may not sell. But if you keep making better and better artwork, you might find that you can sell more of it more. You will figure out what sells, create better content, and earn more money over time. But this all takes practice and determination. You can make this kind of project work for you… but you have to be patient and stick with it.
For this reason, it may be a good idea to start creating art that you love. But then again, that is truly a goal with any side hustle. Focus on things you love. The rest will fall into place. And I feel that this concept absolutely applies to Etsy! While this side hustle does have a few downsides, I actually think it is a great idea for the right kind of person. The right kind of person would need a love for wall art, the skill to design it in a digital medium, and the means to create files that can be printed out by customers who purchase it on Etsy.
There are all kinds of options for this hustle, so you can put your own personal style into it… but at the core, this side hustle has the potential to be really profitable because of the fact that digital files do not cost anything to produce or distribute.
Once you create it, you can sell it an infinite number of times and make almost pure profit on every sale. There is no shipping or handling cost, and the fees on Etsy are quite low.
With time, commitment, practice, and dedication, you have as much of a chance as anyone to make some money selling printable wall art on this awesome, crafty platform! You may not get rich with this one, and it may take some time to build up… but it also boasts a lot of benefits.
You could also apply some of your work to other related side hustles. For example, the site Displate. What about selling multiple types of products on Etsy? Calligraphy is one surprisingly profitable angle.
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What to Sell?
Etsy is one of the best-known online marketplaces for handmade goods, and consequently many artists end up trying to sell on it at one point or. Whether it is Etsy, Fine Art America, Saatchi Art, it is important to remember that these websites are simply large online art galleries. In fact, art is fairly deemphasized. Above are the products Etsy is highlighting on their front page this month. Unfortunately, no fine art made the how much money can i make selling art on etsy. Altogether, the home page of Etsy etay clearly to how they envision their company — a marketplace for crafts. With Etsy, they changed moneg algorithm to give away less and less free traffic and instead make you pay for it. By doing so, their revenues skyrocketed. But at the same time, thousands of artists who were selling decently well began selling little or. With gallery sites like Fine Art America, they build and optimize their own algorithm to give best sellers the most attention. When your sales, clicks. Which means, you could be selling well now but not tomorrow. If you are making sales on these platforms right now, that is fantastic and you absolutely should continue doing so and milk it for all its worth, while it lasts. However, the bottom line is you have no control over any of these websites and how they decide to run their business. So if you spend time to build your business only on their platform, it is mkch risky. One of the most critical risks involved is that Etsy will steal your traffic should you decide to sell your art elsewhere in the future.
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