Who makes most money from war on drugs

who makes most money from war on drugs

T he War on Drugs is a vast enterprise. Virtually every agency of the U. Yet unlike a real war, the crusade against drugs has no central command, no coordinated intelligence effort and very little accountability. Literally hundreds of thousands of federal-government employees are mobilized in the effort —— often performing their parts superbly —— and, as the following report shows, each agency wins its share of tactical victories. But overall, viewed from a strategic standpoint, the War on Drugs has little to show for. Millions of hard-core drug users continue to have untrammeled access to heroin, cocaine and other substances, while more thanAmericans are arrested every month in an unending procession into prisons and jails. What officials of these agencies pay attention to is Congress: Specifically, they bow down before one of 13 congressional appropriations committees which hold the purse strings for ddrugs part of the federal government. Another thing that stands out is that Washington agencies involved in the drug crusade dole out billions of dollars to the states in the form monry block grants and other monies with little oversight and often with no strings attached. Some of it is vital and necessary, and some of it is wasted, but few in Congress question where the money goes, since no one wants to be accused of being soft on drugs. So it flows.

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Sign In. Who makes most money in the War on Drugs? Update Cancel. Get instant cash without selling your crypto. Learn More. You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. Answer Wiki. Answered Oct 5, Private for profit prisons make the most money off the war on drugs. In fact they have contracts with most states and local governments in this country for this issue. I believe I even read somewhere recently that a private prison is trying to sue one state, because they are not housing enough prisoners. In other words, even if a town or state is legitimately experiencing a lower crime rate, these prison systems dont care and still want to see people locked up so the In other words, even if a town or state is legitimately experiencing a lower crime rate, these prison systems dont care and still want to see people locked up so they can continue to make billions. The top private for profit prisons in america bring in over 3 billion dollars per year. For example, Private for profit prisons would hate to see the legalization of Marijuana, or the reduction or removal of mandatory prison sentences as this would disrupt their profits, because people would no longer go to jail, or have to spend long amounts of time for non violent petty offenses. The War on Drugs, is nothing bu the current form of slavery. Who supports the war on drugs and why? What should be done with the extra money gained from ending the war on drugs? How long does it take before people clue in that the war on drugs is nothing more than another form of war that enriches big businesses that c If everyone agrees that the «war on drugs» has failed then why do we keep fighting it? It is hard to say in exact dollar figures who benefits the most from the war on drugs. I would say drug dealers do considering the basic laws of supply and demand. Making drugs illegal limits the supply therefore increasing the price. Every shipment seized by the united states just makes the drugs that do make it across even more valuable. Not a lot of business models yield the results the drug trade does.

But there’s another controversy behind marijuana that you might not know about.

More drug abusers are in jail, in hospitals, and in courts and drugs are still easily attainable. This has left many wondering, how much does the war on drugs cost and is it worth it? The drug business poses violence, child neglect, and organized crimes. While much of the effort may be focused on criminalization, something alarming is happening. That is that the amount being spent to eradicate drug abuse is just too enormous.


You are now logged in. Forgot your password? In a interview, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that legalization is «not likely to work» because «there is just too much money in it. Here are four industries you might not realize profit off the drug war. One of the highlights of President Barack Obama’s Drug Control Policy report is a section encouraging drug-free workplace programs, which the report touts as «beneficial for our labor force, employers, families, and communities in general. An entire testing industry helped make those policies a reality, and is pushing for their expansion. These groups have successfully pushed for the passage of drug testing laws and regulations across the country, and were behind the Drug Testing Integrity Act of , which made it illegal to buy, sell, manufacture, or advertise «cleansing» products that promise to help consumers «defraud a drug test. Marijuana legalization advocates like to point out that pot is safer than alcohol, if for no other reason than no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose. Alcohol companies were less obvious about their opposition to legalization after being outed by NORML. Corrections Corp. The company, and others like it, is up to its elbows in drug war spending. Its facilities house low-level drug users and contain in-house rehabilitation programs. CCA even trains its own drug-sniffing dogs.

The Modern Drug War

Sign In. Who makes most money in the War on Drugs? Update Cancel. Get instant cash without selling your crypto. Learn More. You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help frm show you more relevant content in the future. Answer Wiki. Answered Oct 5, Private for profit prisons make the most money off the war on drugs. In fact they have nost with most states and local governments in this country for this issue. I believe I even read somewhere recently that a private prison is trying to sue one state, because they are not housing enough prisoners.

In other words, even if a town or state is legitimately experiencing a lower crime rate, these prison systems dont care and still want to see people locked up so the In other words, even if a town or state is legitimately experiencing a lower crime rate, these prison systems dont care and still want to see people locked up so they can continue to make billions.

The top private for profit prisons in america bring in over 3 billion dollars per year. For example, Private for profit prisons would hate to see the legalization of Marijuana, or the reduction or removal of mandatory prison sentences as this would disrupt their profits, because people would no longer go to jail, or have to spend long amounts of time for non violent petty offenses. The War on Drugs, is monet bu the current form of slavery. Who supports the war on drugs and why? What has the war on drugs gotten us?

What should be done with the extra money gained from ending the war on drugs? How long does it take before people clue in that the war on drugs is nothing more than another form of war that enriches big businesses that c It is hard to say in exact dollar figures who benefits the most from the war on drugs. I would say drug dealers do considering the basic laws of supply and demand. Making drugs illegal limits the supply therefore increasing the price.

Every shipment seized by the united states just makes the drugs that do make it across even more valuable. Not a lot of business models yield the results the drug trade does. Low overhead cost, no restrictions or taxation and because of supply, HUGE profit margins.

Now there is an argument to be made that the united states government also benefits from the w Now there is an argument to be made that mkes united states government also benefits from the war on drugs quite a bit.

They get to seize large sums of money, they can use it as a way to gain voters in elections. And it doesn’t actually cost them directly money, it just cost the tax payers money who are probably the biggest losers in the war on drugs. Are you looking for a free Amazon FBA calculator?

Calculating various of Amazon fulfillment costs and product profit. Free Trial. View. Related Questions War on Drugs: How much money does an average low level crack dealer make? Who is winning the war on drugs? Are people who want to end the war on drugs very naive? If everyone agrees that the «war on drugs» has failed then why grom we keep fighting it? Has America lost the war on drugs? Why should the war on drugs continue, what has it accomplished?

Why should we expect the war on drugs mlst succeed when the prohibition was such a fiasco? Does anyone still believe the war on drugs is a good thing? Should we continue the war on drugs? Who started the war on drugs?

Who’s Making Money Off The War On Drugs?

The war on drugs is a largely unsuccessful campaign, [6] led by the U. The term was popularized by the media shortly after a press conference given on June 18,by President Richard Nixon —the day after publication of a special message from President Nixon to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control —during which he declared drug abuse «public enemy who makes most money from war on drugs one». That message to the Congress included text about devoting more federal resources to the «prevention of new addicts, and the rehabilitation of those who are addicted», but that part did not receive the same public attention as the term «war on drugs». On May 13,Gil Kerlikowske —the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy ONDCP —signaled that the Obama administration did not plan to significantly alter drug enforcement policy, but also that the administration would who makes most money from war on drugs use the term «War on Drugs», because Kerlikowske considers the term to be «counter-productive». In Junethe Global Commission on Drug Policy released a critical report on the War on Drugs, declaring: «The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world. Fifty years after the initiation of the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugsand years after President Nixon launched the US government’s war on drugs, fundamental reforms in national and global drug control policies are urgently needed. Morphine was first isolated [ specify ] inand hypodermic syringes were first constructed in
