Making money online by evaluating search engines

making money online by evaluating search engines

Working from home as a Search Engine Evaluator is a popular virtual work option mostly because the pay is reasonable and there is absolutely zero phone work involved. Since several evaluaying hire Search Engine Evaluators and similar positions, there always seems to be opportunities available at any given making money online by evaluating search engines, you just have to maiing where to look. After all, search makinv, like Google, spend a lot of time and effort into creating algorithms that are meant to give search engine users better results. Search engines are not perfect. And so groups of people, called Search Engine Evaluators, use their knowledge of current events, popular culture, people, and places to rate search engine return results. The hope is that by doing so, users will be given perfect search results each and every time they enter a query seardh a search engine. Your most likely intent is to book a room at a Hilton Hotel. On the making money online by evaluating search engines page of results, there are news articles about Paris Hilton reserving an entire nightclub for her birthday. Search Engine Evaluators rate the relevancy of searcb results based on user queries queries meaning the terms being searched for, in the above example, Hilton Reservations was the search query. Search Engine Evaluators are heavy internet users. They are comfortable navigating websites, search engines, and generally know how to find things online. A Search Engine Evaluator stays up-to-date on news, current evalusting, and pop culture. So, if you are interested in becoming a Search Engine Evaluator, you should be very familiar with the culture and language of a particular area often Search Engine Evaluator positions are location based, i. Your likely intent is to find current news or biographical information about Paris Hilton. You see where the confusion can come in?

What Does a Search Engine Evaluator Do?

Are you looking for a way to work from home? If you have a computer and smartphone with internet access at home, being a search engine evaluator lets you achieve this goal. They rely on evaluators to test keywords — the words or phrases that people use when searching for information about a topic. This can be an excellent opportunity when you need flexible part-time income. If you already have experience testing websites , then you might enjoy being a search engine evaluator. Read on to find out how to make money as a search engine evaluator. Search engines partner with testing agencies that hire search engine evaluators on a part-time basis to test keyword results. If you live in the United States, you will most likely be testing Google or Bing search engine results and evaluating them for relevance. Your report to the search engine describes how relevant each page ranking is. Relevant pages move closer to the top of the results if the folks at the search engine accept your evaluation. But, in other parts of the world, football is what Americans refer to as soccer , so the results might be for the UEFA Champions League. Your research helps refine the algorithm so it understands what people are searching for. There are several search engine evaluator companies where you can apply to become an evaluator. To prevent conflicts of interest, only plan on working with one company at a time. One of the largest testing companies is Appen.

4 thoughts on “How to Get Paid Online as a Search Engine Evaluator”

Posted by R. Some links included here are from our sponsors. Read our Disclaimer and Advertiser Disclosure. Consumer data about ourselves and our internet habits — what we search for, what we like, and what we buy — is extremely valuable. Companies compile this kind of information and use it for things like market research and targeted advertising.

What is a Web Search Evaluator/Search Engine Evaluator?

Posted by R. Some links included here are from our sponsors. Read our Disclaimer and Advertiser Disclosure. Consumer data about ourselves and our internet habits — what we search for, what we like, and what we buy — is extremely valuable. Companies compile this kind of information and use it for things like market research and targeted advertising.

How it works : This app collects data on how people use the internet. The information is used to design and improve products and services that are sold online. Pros : You literally get paid for doing. Options include Starbucks, Amazon, Target and other major retailers. To join, sign up and complete a short registration form, and then download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Users can also take surveys for additional rewards. Cons: There is no cash payout option, and some users have complained online about being locked out of their accounts and having to contact support to get them reactivated. Payment method: Points can be redeemed for Amazon gift cards, exchanged for a charitable donation, or used for sweepstakes entries.

Sign Up for SavvyConnect. How it works: This app conducts market research by collecting data in the background when users download it to their devices, providing a way to make money online with essentially zero effort. Users also have the option to complete surveys. Once users sign up, they can download the app to their mobile devices and computers, where it works in the background.

For now, Google has closed the panel to new signups. Pros: Users earn money as soon as the app is installed, and for each week it remains installed. Payment method: Earnings are paid out via gift cards from a selection of major retailers. Well, other search engines would like a slice of the pie for themselves.

More traffic means more revenue. But smaller search engines know that most people prefer Google. Taking advantage of the other earning methods will help you cash out faster, and adding the browser extension will help you make sure to never miss a cashback opportunity.

Payment method: Users can redeem their points for gift cards, or for cash deposited into a PayPal account. You can read my full review of Swagbucks. Sign Up For Microsoft Rewards. How it works: Bing is a search engine owned by Microsoft, which created it to compete head-to-head with Google. Microsoft will reward you with five points per search, up to a total of 50 points per day.

You can then redeem those points for gift cards. Users can now earn points for things like shopping at the Windows or Microsoft stores, playing trivia games, and taking quizzes. The old version of Bing Rewards was search-only, which made it harder to earn enough to cash. Payment method: Gift cards for the Xbox and Windows stores as well as other Microsoft productsmajor retailers like Amazon and Starbucks, charity donations, and Microsoft-operated sweepstakes.

Sign Up For Wonder. How it works: Who needs Google when they have you? Wonder provides you with questions from clients, and you get paid to research, find the best answer, and provide the client with the source of your information. Your approval for the program depends on your performance on this test, so make sure to conduct it thoughtfully.

This makes it a great work from home job for generating a significant chunk of extra income. Cons: Unlike many online side income ideasnot everyone will be accepted as a member of Wonder. Sign Up For InboxDollars. How it works: InboxDollars is one of the biggest and most well-known sites around, boasting more than 10 million members. Signing up is quick and easy: provide your email address, create a password, and then confirm via a link sent to your inbox.

Then, just answer a few basic questions and you can get started earning. Using the InboxDollar search engine pays one cent per four searches. Read my in-depth review of InboxDollars. Pros: There are several ways to earn cash through InboxDollars, including answering surveys, reading emails, and signing up for special offers. The site offers cash options for payouts. Signing up is easy and just requires basic information.

Sign Up For Qmee. How it works : Qmee works a little bit differently than the other services on this list. Plus, because of the way Qmee works, the recommendations it offers tend to be highly relevant. Cons : The volume of ads and offers Qmee has in its inventory is fairly low, as are the payouts, which are typically in the 5 to cent range for watching ads. This helps refine the complex algorithms that do most of the search ranking behind the scenes.

Evaluators need to have excellent research skills and broad knowledge of both current events and popular culture. This gig is a little tougher to land than the others listed. Applicants may need a college degree to be considered, and there may be an interview which typically includes a test.

Not bad for a job you can do in your pajamas! If that sounds good to you, there are several companies looking for search engine evaluators. Jump To. About The Author. Related Posts.


What is a Web Search Evaluator/Search Engine Evaluator?

One of the most popular work-at-home jobs of the moment is becoming a search engine evaluator or web search evaluator. Many of my followers have told me how much they love this type of work, and some of the pitfalls and many others have asked me for more information. Today, we are sitting down to discuss the nitty gritty details of this industry. Your job as a search engine evaluator is to analyze search results for relevancy and quality. The need for this work arises as those results given to you after doing an internet search are determined by a computer and these fancy things called algorithms. Search engines have established those people are most likely looking for freelance service opportunities and has crafted their query results to reflect. While many of these companies starting out evaluating just search engine results, this industry has grown substantially. Agents are now evaluating ads displayed in search, on social media platforms and. Some of these companies also have translation, transcription, crowdsourcing tasks and. If you can get your foot in the door with one of these companies and prove your worth, you may have a flexible and fun gig for years to come. Many of these companies have several projects going at any given time. Each project typically has its own pay rate. As for the hours available, it can vary greatly. Some people may only be assigned to a project allowing for one hour of work per day while others may be holding a workload of 30 hours per week or. I have been told you are able to set your availability within your profile or at the time of hiring. Making yourself more available may get you assigned to more projects. Sadly, this seems to be where a lot of could-be search evaluators just quit. There are a lot of guidelines to follow. There are several testing stages to get. It isn’t easy.
