The onus therefore lies on a woman to also come up with the best way to get whatever she needs without being added to the line of women considered to be gold diggers. The only time a man might call you a gold digger is when you prove to him you love his money more than himself, aside that, he will never see you as a gold digger even if he spends all his life savings on you. No man will want to know that the woman he spends on also cheats and actually spends his money on another man. Every one of us expects the person closest to us to be loyal. Each one of us definitely loves someone who supports and is ready to do anything to be with us. Most people in relationships have it, but being creative with it is what makes the difference. Most men love fellatio and will always demand it during foreplay but what they love most is surprising them with it. You can decide to do your house chores in just a sexy lingerie, this will moey his emotions and will make him easily hand over what he has for you. This sperms are active all year round and so it is really something men love. Aside that, it also bonds the two of you together the more amn so when you demand how to make a man spend money on me, he surely knows you deserve it. In fact, men love to spend on their women but when a man even spends lavishly on his woman and the woman sits him down to advice him to use the money to gain more, such a woman always has a special place in the heart of the man. Unlike a woman who keeps spsnd him spend unnecessarily. NB: Same cannot be said for stingy men. When you go to the restaurant on a date, what stops you from paying the bill?
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Golden Boy Ent. Post Reply. DirtyKid is a Happy Kid!! I’ve cast my bread on the waters long time ago. Now it’s time 4u to return it, well buttered!! Reply Follow. Login To Post Reply. Read More. Related Topics. How much money do you spend on phone calls every year? Featured Topics. Abuja Pastor, Dr. Wike Video. More Featured Topics. If all is about sex, well you wait all wil Who they sleep with where shouldn’t be your wahala. You proba Believe it or not, most males blow their hard earned income on points they treatment about; but much more important on people they love and care for. So you may find a gentleman eagerly blowing all his cash on his mother, sister, buddies and so on But before you feel he’s a complete jerk, you need to know that he does wish to deal with you, but he has some reservations.
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How to get money from a man without asking? If you are tired of being a strong amazon who cleans an apartment, cooks food, raises children, tries to look good and at the same time goes to work, you must learn how to communicate with your man and ask for. This post will definitely help you. The emancipation gets stronger, and since the school bench, each girl dreams of financial independence and full equality between the male and female genders.
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Gikomba can’t be your one-stop-shop for your bags, shoes and everything else yet you want him to ship you a Gucci or channel bag. So, the tip here is to ensure your grooming efforts are intriguing and on point. Be classy and confident, not trashy or slutty. While you’re having a conversation or out for shopping together, moneu him know the things you like through hints. Even if those things were not hhow that day’s budget, at least he knows you like them and you would want to have. In an event where he is willing to buy you the things, you expressed interest in on the spot, be nice; say sweet things. That way chances are he will not put you in the gold-digging category. When shopping together ask him to hold the things you were intending to msn probably because your hands are full or you’re exhausted. When you reach the counter, don’t take them. If he’s a gentleman and he really likes you, he will pay for them if he has the means. Thank you for reading my article! You have contributed to my success as a writer. The articles you choose to read on Hivisasa help shape the content we offer. Is there information that you would like Kenyans to know? Tell Hivisasa and we will share with the world. Click here to submit. Do you want your man to treat you like a queen and potentially buy you anything you ask for? Uhuru arrives in London, set to visit the Queen. Babu Owino shows remorse, sends wife to pay DJ Evolve’s. Reasons ladies should eat more bananas during their periods. Sam Munyaka. Raila was coronated Luhya kingpin at Bukhungu, Senator Cherargei claims.
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