How to make money on amazon podcast

how to make money on amazon podcast

Many podcasters dream of the day when they can quit their and go all-in on their passion project. But how do you actually make money from your podcast? And what are the best strategies for monetizing your podcast? When it comes to making money with your podcast, selling advertisements is often the first place people go. Simply put, unless your podcast is getting 50, plays or more per episode the best way to make money isn’t through selling ads. Many popular podcasts are funded through podcast sponsorships, mainly in the form of the «host-read ad» where the podcast host talks about a product in one or several of their podcast episodes. If you have your own podcast or record with a co-host and have the flexibility of choosing your monetization strategy, you’ll be more successful trying one of these alternative strategies. Pro Tip: Make sure your podcast is listed in all the major podcast directories including Apple Podcasts formerly iTunesGoogle Podcastsand Spotify to maximize the size and reach of your podcast audience. This model was popularized by podcasters like Pat Flynn, host of the Smart Passive Income Podcastbecause it tilts the emphasis away from «how many downloads can you get? Smaller businesses lean on affiliate marketing to expand their business because they only have to pay you for the sales you generate, so they’re making money no matter how many products they end up selling. When deciding if a product is going to be a good fit for your podcast which will lead to more sales and a more substantial cut for you ask yourself the following questions:. Pro Tip: Make sure to download Pat Flynn’s epic guide to affiliate marketing if you’re just getting started.

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Podcast: Play in new window Download. Whatever happens to used or returned products on Amazon? While most in the Amazon FBA world are trying to get their private label businesses off the ground and climb to the top spot on the search results, many sellers are making money hand over fist in a category has relatively low upfront costs and high-profit potential: used or returned products on Amazon. Whatever happens to big-name items that get returned or just do not sell? Like most retail stores, these items can be sold at a deep discount to another distributor who can then turn around and charge lower prices for profit. These used or returned product sales are one of the best-kept secrets on Amazon, but one eight-figure seller wants to reveal his winning strategy to you! Todd has created a working formula for finding and sourcing Amazon stock that has been returned at a massive discount and efficiently doubling his money with popular products that sell out quickly. Enjoy the episode? Ready to get serious about your Amazon FBA game? This program is designed for six, seven, and eight-figure sellers, so only serious sellers should apply! Share Related Posts.

how to make money on amazon podcast

Where CPM Advertising Falls Short

Play episode Download. Chris Guthrie and I have known each other for a long time. Back in the day Chris was out building Amazon affiliate sites and I was building Adsense affiliate sites. I had Chris on my podcast over 2 years ago. However, now his business has evolved so much that I wanted to have him on to discuss his latest business venture. Chris is now actively involved in selling physical products on Amazon through the Fullfullilled by Amazon FBA program. I know that sounds almost too good; however, Chris has been kind enough to privately show me his Amazon account with earnings and the product that he is selling on Amazon. So, Perrin and I sat down with Chris to get all his tips to start selling a physical product on Amazon. In addition, Chris has created some software tools that can help you find great products to sell on Amazon. That software is AmaSuite. Finally, Chris and I are hosting a live webinar this Thursday December 4th at 6pm PST to talk about building a business on Amazon selling physical products. See Webinar Replay Here. Below you will find the general questions and responses that were given during the podcast interview. This is not a transcript, jut the abbrieviated notes about what was covered in the podcast. For the complete podcast, please listen to the recording…enjoy! Those numbers should just continue to increase with the Holidays coming up. I spend most of my time finding new products that I can launch on Amazon. The way that I make money from selling products on Amazon is by sources products from China. Then making some basic tweaks to the product and putting my own label and brand and then sell. I use a freight forwarding company that takes the product from China and ships to US. Then those products get shipped to Amazon FBA. Amazon then ships the products to customers when they buy. Amazon provides all the customer support, returns, and more. I have acquaintances that are doing six figures a month and more.

Podcast: Play in new window Download. Love that idea? Well, so will hijackers! Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:. Say what? Welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast. Is it? Bradley Sutton: Redondo Beach native. Chris, uow met, first, I think at the billion-dollar summit over in Austin, Texas. Always, there are interesting stories that you guys. Everybody t to take a different path in their e-commerce journey or their life journey.
