Make money for unwanted clothes

make money for unwanted clothes

A few weeks ago, I gave Moneu Kotb’s closet uneanted much needed tune-up. We put aside more than 60 items Hoda doesn’t use anymore, and listed them on a few websites where you can make cash selling used clothing and accessories. If you’re ready to turn your closet make money for unwanted clothes cash, here are 5 sites that make selling your old or unwanted items easy:. They charge only 9 percent commission on each sale, which means you pocket 91 percent of the selling price. The benefits: No cost to list your items, free returns for the buyer and free shipping for the seller. Once you sign up, they’ll send you a clean-out bag for your clothes. The benefits: The Thredup team does just about all the work: Reviewing your items, taking photos of them, listing them and shipping to the buyer. On average, you earn about 40 percent of the selling price and up to 80 percent of the selling price for designer items. Just upload some pictures of your items, write a quick description, and boom: In less than 60 seconds, your item is up for sale to millions of shoppers. I listed some of my mom’s items for sale here and was extremely successful! The benefits: Poshmark’s 20 unwantrd fee covers shipping, payment processing, customer service noney any other backend details, so all you have to focus on is selling! One item many women have trouble parting with is her wedding dress. My mother, for example, is in a beautiful marriage 46 years this Feb. I tried it on and it’s way too tight for me — so I won’t be wearing it when I get married, maie much as I’d like to — so I convinced her to sell it. The benefits: This site allows you to upload pics of unwantwd, jewelry and accessories right from your home.

Sell Gift Cards Online

Right now, I have two large storage bins filled with clothes and accessories I no longer wear. They’re folded and sealed in clear, self-adhesive polyurethane bags, ready to ship to buyers. These are things that, six months ago, I would’ve donated. But that was before I grasped the extent of the international online marketplace. A year ago, I was researching a story about trash you can sell on eBay — recyclables such as egg cartons, plastic caps, cardboard rolls and more fetch good prices when sold in bulk — when I stumbled across a community of people my age, with children and mortgages, who make a full-time living re-selling used clothes on eBay. This certainly wasn’t the crowd of retirees supplementing social security as I’d once imagined. If they could turn a profit on inventory snagged at thrift stores, I reasoned, I had nothing to lose by listing the clothes I already had in my closet. Here are some steps you can take to make money from clothes that you already own. I had already joined Poshmark — in , after a friend bragged about how little she’d paid for what looked like a new Marc Jacobs clutch on the platform — but had only done a handful of transactions on «the ‘Bay» over the years. So, the first thing I did was buy a few things I needed through eBay, including a scale to weigh the clothes for the most accurate shipping rate, because the feedback you receive as a buyer gives you credibility as a seller, too. I wasn’t expecting much from my first listing, a baby blue, off-shoulder dress from ASOS my previous experience on Poshmark had taught me that it can take forever for a new seller’s listings to start ranking in search results , but lo and behold, the dress sold within a week. I was hooked. You can sell unwanted gifts that you’ve received. There’s a market for pretty much everything online, even the stuff your local consignment shop would turn a nose up at, and things you think aren’t even worth donating. The other thing to know is that middle-range «mall» brands can have a surprisingly high resale value. How do I decide what to sell? Presents you’ve received that aren’t really your style, that maybe you’ve been hanging on to out of some sense of obligation, are a great place to start. I have a very generous family who loves to give gifts, but, like most gifts, theirs say more about the giver than the recipient. Take for instance the hot pink ALASKA souvenir hoodie my youngest brother brought back from the Last Frontier a few summers ago — that might’ve been my shade in high school, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in it these days. Or the mint green lace scarf and matching leather-bound journal my sister gave me for my birthday: a sweet set more befitting her earnest nature than my dark sense of humor and snarky attitude. I’ve also been a vegetarian for 10 years. I try not to eat or wear anything that resulted from an animal’s death but you’d be amazed how many close friends and family members forget this see: aforementioned notebook. Over the years I’ve received leather bags, watches, luggage tags, sandals, and boots — most of which landed on the eBay chopping block.

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You can sell clothes online to make money. In the process, you declutter your house. Flipping clothes is also a big business. If you enjoy fashion trends, you now have a new hobby. No matter where you find clothes to sell, you can find somewhere online to sell them. There are a few fun options for designers too!


How to Make Money Selling Your Old Clothes

Return Unwanted Gifts

make money for unwanted clothes

