Are you interested in turning your household clutter into cold hard cash or make money thrift flipping, but not sure what items sell well maks eBay? Got you covered! Check out this list with 75 unbelievable items that you can sell on eBay for high prices — some are worth hundreds! Start treasure hunting in your very own home today with this list of the best things to sell on eBay as a guide. Stick around for a helpful freebie at the end to get you started listing and selling weird ways to make money on ebay eBay! This list of the best things to sell on eBay has been built from personal experience selling on eBay and observing thousands of listings on that selling platform. All for stuff you just have lying around your house or at your local thrift store. Weidr post may contain affiliate links awys your convenience. That means that if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read more. If you want to make money on eBay, the Advanced Search feature is the most valuable tool you have in your eBay arsenal. Knowing the approximate value of the item you are selling will help in pricing it to sell fast for a tidy profit. Whenever you are digging around your home searching for treasures or browsing secondhand items, have the eBay app open so you can quickly check recent sale prices for items you find! Here are weird ways to make money on ebay of the best selling items on eBay that you can find laying around your home or easily at the thrift store! These are worth more if you have the original box, but can also be sold without — I have even successfully sold crystal figurines that were broken!
This was stuff we had from a business that went under, but it got us thinking about weird thing you can sell on eBay to make money. The stuff we sold was very specific lab equipment that but it sold like hot cakes! I have always wanted to try drop shipping or a similar type of eCommerce business where you find things that you can flip for a profit. Disclosure: Please note that some of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means that we may earn a commission, at no cost to you, if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. Please understand that we have experienced all of these companies, and we recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions that we receive if you decide to buy something through our links. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them. Many people are making a lot of money selling on eBay. They find things at flea markets and sell them on eBay for a nice profit. They make 6-figures a year finding things to flip for profit. If you live in an area that has pine trees, then you might want to collect them to sell on eBay. They are also very light, which is extremely good from a business point of view — cheap to ship! They sell extremely well during the holiday season when people are looking to use them as decorations and craft supplies. It can even be a fun activity for your kids! Pine cones are just one of many weird things you can sell on eBay to make money that you would probably never think about! Yes, toilet rolls. Used toilet rolls. Not the paper, just the cardboard tube is in hot demand on eBay. People buy them for their kids craft projects. They do best if sold in lots of a few dozen at a time. Maybe you are like us and end up accumulating a whole bunch of the tubes after the paper is finished.
1. 1980’s and 1990’s Toys
Check it out. Here’s how. Plus, insider tips on how to make money on eBay from eBay senior exec Jim Griffith. Ramit Sethi.
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The good news? You and I are likely sitting on a goldmine of cash we never new existed. Check out some of the weird stuff that recently sold on eBay — and then go and destash your junk to make some extra money. Well, the growing popularity of backyard chicken coops means people need a place to store the eggs their chickens lay — and some people use them for crafts. Have a soda habit? Well, lemme tell you: These are hot-ticket items for schools because schools can redeem them for much-needed cash for equipment, books and other supplies. Southwest is famous for giving out free drink coupons to its Rewards members, but they often expire before they can be used. Well, someone on eBay will buy them. Just FYI: eBay does have some rules about coupon selling that you need to know before listing.
Show less If you’re looking to bring in some extra cash or maybe start a new career, selling on eBay could be the answer you’re looking. There’s money to be made by becoming part of the eBay seller community. Put in a little time reading the steps below, and that investment could pay off for you in a big way. To make money on eBay, decide what you want to sell, take high-quality photos of your items, and create listings that are clear and detailed.
Be sure to price your items competitively by checking what similar items have sold for in the past! Once you figure out what sells well, look for more of it so you can continue selling that item. As your sales and feedback rating climb, you will begin to gain more customers and bring in more money.
For tips on taking great photos and creating strong listings, read on! This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Together, they cited information from 6 references. Heidegger Metayer. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Home Categories Hobbies and Crafts Collecting.
Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. It also received 15 testimonials from readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Learn more Method 1. Create an eBay account. If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to go online and create an account on eBay.
The account is free and allows you to operate as a seller or a buyer. Once you have an account, you can log in to My eBay and track your auctions, view bids and send and receive emails. Put some thought into the name you choose for your eBay user ID. This is how you’ll be known in the eBay community. Pick something that’s memorable but not weird, inoffensive and positive. Look into fees. When you sell on eBay, you can operate under the standard fee arrangement or choose to become a subscriber.
Among the differences are the number of free listing you get per month and the add-on fees you’ll pay. As someone who’s new to selling on eBay, you’ll probably want to operate under the standard fee agreement.
There are three paid subscription accounts available on eBay. Open a PayPal Account. PayPal allows your buyers to use a credit card or a checking account to pay for the items they buy from you. It also allows you to sell internationally. Buyers initiate the payment transaction with PayPal, and PayPal, in turn, transfers the money to your account. It’s not required that you have a PayPal account in order to sell on eBay, but it can be difficult to succeed without one. Decide what to sell. It’s best to start by selling things that you already have around your home.
Go room by room and look for things you no longer need or wear or perhaps have never even used. Ebay offers an online tool called «Selling Inspiration House. It’s also a good idea to look around on weird ways to make money on ebay to see what other people are selling and at what price. Check to see how many «bids» an item has to try to gauge its popularity. Sell what you know. Not only will you need to write a detailed description of your item, but potential buyers may contact you with questions.
It can be difficult to thoroughly explain the benefits of a product and answer detailed inquiries if you’re not all that familiar with the item. Determine what sells well and look for more of it. Local garage or estate sales can be a good way to buy things inexpensively that might sell for more on eBay. Start small. While your ultimate goal may be to become an eBay Power Seller, you want to take things one step at a time.
Starting with just a few items to sell gives you the chance to learn the ropes and establish yourself as a reputable seller. Like any new enterprise, selling on eBay may present you with some unexpected challenges, and you’re bound to make a few mistakes—everybody does. Begin by selling just a few items so you can familiarize yourself with the responsibilities that come with being a seller.
To become a truly successful seller, you need to have lots of positive feedback. When you’re first starting out, you won’t have any. Build your business slowly and give great customer service so that you can earn positive feedback.
That way, you’ll earn the trust of buyers, who will be more likely to do business with you once they see you’re an established and honest seller. Method 2. Choose how you want to sell. Consider how quickly you want to sell your item, whether or not you’d be willing to let it go at lower price than you’d hoped for and how much effort you want to put into the whole selling process. Traditional auction. If you list your item auction-style, you establish an opening bid and then allow a set number of days for buyers to submit their own bids for your item.
Whatever the highest bid is at the end of the auction period, that is the final selling price of your item. The hope, of course, is that interest will be high and the price will rise over the auction period so that you come out a winner. You can set an auction to last 3, 5, 7 or 10 days.
Sellers with a feedback rating of 10, will also be given the option of a 1-day auction. Many buyers watch items for a while and think about them before placing a bid, so a longer auction could be to your advantage. While it may bring a bit of unwanted drama to your life, using the traditional auction method could pay off. If you want to ensure that an item you list for auction doesn’t go for a price you can’t live with, you can set a Reserve on the item.
A Reserve is the minimum bid you must receive in order to sell your item. If you set a Reserve, be aware that interested buyers may be in touch to find out your Reserve amount, so you may be spending some additional time answering questions. The BIN feature lets you set the price you want for an item right from the get-go. Buyers who look at your listing will immediately know the price, and they can purchase straight.
BIN gives you the opportunity to perhaps sell your item quickly for the price you want and be done with it or move on to your next listing. You can add a BIN option to an item you have listed for auction. Best Offer. That way, interested buyers can submit to you a price they’d be willing to pay for your item. You do not have to accept any Best Offer bids that come in unless you want to. You can hold out to see if anyone will purchase your item at the BIN price. Decide on your price.
The best way to price an item is to see what similar items have sold for on eBay. Log in to your eBay account and choose «Advanced Search» and check the box marked «Completed Listings» to see what items have sold for across multiple categories. Look at how the items were sold auction, BIN, Best Offer or Reserve and pay particular attention to those that used the selling method you’ve decided to use for your own item.
It’s important to look for items that are similar to yours in as many ways as possible. That means condition, age, color and a variety of variables should be taken into account when comparing your item to those that have recently sold.
You can see information about items that have sold within the last 90 days and for items that didn’t sell within the last 30 days. When determining how much to charge for your item, use an eBay profit calculator.
It’s important to do this so that you will factor in all the costs involved such as fees, shipping, packaging, cost of the item. An item may sell at a loss if calculations are not completed prior to setting a price. Take photos. It won’t be enough to simply talk about your item, you have to show buyers what you’re offering. In fact, as of July 31, eBay requires at least one photo for each listing. Photos must be border-less, without seller-added text or artwork and be at least pixels on the longest .
Make EASY Money Selling Things From DOLLAR TREE! Anyone Can Do This.
Are you getting ready for a yard sale? Maybe just trying to de-clutter? I did some research for you and found some surprising things that you can sell on Ebay. I took pictures of already SOLD listings, so you can see what kind of money people are getting for their items. Usually higher end product boxes sell. A specific example could be empty American Girl Doll Boxes. Also try looking up shoe boxes, iPhone boxes. They may not sell for werid ton of money, but every little bit counts. If ebah were planning on throwing them out anyway, why not earn a few bucks! Since these items are small they are often easy to ship.
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