Bartenders who use social media to make more money

bartenders who use social media to make more money

Contributed by Crystal Sykes Posted on Mar 31, I remember a time before social media. Ah, what a blissful era that. Those were the days when people actually spoke to each other in bars. They imbibed their cocktails leisurely without the need to stop and snap a photo of said drink, add the desired filter and post it immediately on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or whatever other social media outlets are now in existence. How did our bars and drinks become popular or known around the city, or even across the globe, then? Or can it? Can a bar be successful without posting content? Of course, there are successful bars out there that have interest in becoming famous via such channels. People who try to opt out on social media are usually the ones who have overshared, and then been burned, or those who see any social media as the preserve of the vainglorious.

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In order to have massive success, you have to focus on a long-term strategy. That means you are building supporters that will follow you no matter where you are or end up. But there may be more important things. In part 1 , we discussed some very important aspects to building a following that include:. In part 2 we will take things a few steps further how you can build that following that will make you more money. People ultimately choose to do business with people they like. And everyone likes someone who appreciates them. When you appreciate others you will find that your relationships are stronger and your career and business will succeed beyond your expectations. This means more tips will come and your income will begin to grow. In order for them to like you and for you to appreciate them, you need to give a little and let them know who you are and what you are about. That does not mean you give away all your secrets. It just means you have to allow them to know enough to support you in your effort to build more followers. And you have to accept that when people sit at your bar and do it over and over again, there is a level of trust that is created. It just means that they expect for all the information they share, they want a little in return. Even therapists tell you a little something about their life. One of the quickest ways to make a person happy and build customer loyalty is to buy them a drink. They are essential to your rise in the bartending profession and will continue to pay off dividends over time. Comps do come with a price as they are not free. You have to follow the rules of your establishment and understand that every person that you comp may not necessarily generate a return to your business. The question becomes how do you know who to comp? Reward loyal customers by comping them as often as you are allowed. And with new customers, it may be a good strategy to comp them early and build the trust from the inception. It also makes sense to comp during special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries. There are various ways to go about comping, and the options are limitless. I always appreciate when a new bartender says, you had three drinks and the fourth one is on me.

Why should bartenders care about marketing?

Contributed by Dan Q. Dao Posted on Jul 10, So how do you begin to grow your following? There are universal foolproof ways to build your audience. For starters, establish a clear voice and aesthetic, post regularly at optimum times, and engage enthusiastically with your network.

So when you’re not clocking in for a shift, here are five ways you can be your own boss, set the schedule you want to work and make extra money!

With bottom-line sales the name of the game, it’s no secret: Bartenders like me are adept in the art of getting you to spend more money. You may not even realize the subtle ways we’re influencing you to spend. Some techniques are in your face, like giving long, descriptive language for cocktails that make you more likely to order one.

Others are invisible by design, like taking the dollar signs out of menus, distancing yourself from the idea that you’re spending money. Read more: I’m a bartender. Here are 7 brands you’re spending way too much money on, and what you should be ordering instead.

If your aim is to have as budget-friendly a night as possible, you’ll want to watch out for these eight techniques next time you’re ordering a drink. Here are some of the tried-and-true ways my bartender peers and I get you to increase the tally on your bar tab. Studies show that guests feel more comfortable with what they’re about to spend if they’re not reminded that they’re spending money.

That means this: You’ll rarely see an actual dollar sign on the menu. Rather than gruffly asking people at the bar «Hey, you want another? Things like «May I refresh your glass of wine? The elevated vocabulary extends to describing the cocktails. Rather than saying a cocktail is «nice,» an experienced bartender will use words like «complex,» «inventive,» or «delightful. Only our finest fresh-squeezed citrus.

Upselling is a sales technique you see across industries. At a car dealership, the salesperson might try to upsell you flashy add-ons like leather seats, window tinting, or chrome-plated wheels.

And at corporate chain restaurants, upselling is so essential it’s often codified in the script to upsell when you greet the guest. Regardless of whether you’re at a chain restaurant or a mom-and-pop, you’ll be upsold on your choice of spirit by any experienced bartender or server. I’m rather horrible at doing this, so I tend to default to popular spirits I’m most likely to get the nod of approval.

I’ve found that Tito’s vodka is a reliable upsell, even if it’s not as lucrative as higher-tier spirits like Ketel One or Grey Goose. And I keep the script simple. If you want to avoid falling victim to an upsell, the best thing to do is specify when you order that you want whatever is in the «well» — that is, the cheapest spirit of choice.

Perhaps you think it’s worthwhile to mention whatever you’re celebrating in hopes of a freebie. More likely, though, we will try to upsell you on the most expensive Champagne. You’ve been warned. A time for family. A time for cheer. A time for spending. Be especially wary of holiday cocktails. They’re most likely overpriced slight variations on an otherwise far cheaper mixture. For example, that «Christmas Royale» you ordered will be more expensive than a Kir Royale — a simple French cocktail with creme de cassis and sparkling wine — but the only difference is a candy cane on the rim rather than a raspberry in the glass.

As Cosmo Kramer once said on «Seinfeld» as an extra filming a bar scene in a movie, «These pretzels are making me thirsty. Bars commonly offer customers snacks, and there’s a common theme among those bar snacks: salt, in an attempt to stimulate your thirst. So if those pretzels do make you thirsty, we can only hope the thirst gets transmitted to us in the form of ordering more booze, rather than water.

One thing about being at a bar is this: We mostly don’t care what you’re drinking. Read more: I’m a bartender, and these are the drinks that we secretly judge you for ordering. For that reason, you can usually get a great deal for a shot tacked onto a beer, making it a win-win for the two of us. You get more booze, but for less than you’d pay to order separately. We can count on a higher tip than if we’d sold you only the beer. Sometimes, a patron is teetering on the cusp of needing to be cut off.

And in most US states, we’re legally obligated to do that if your intoxication level is becoming physically apparent. So to keep you spending money — and us out of legal trouble — bartenders will suggestively sell drinks with lower alcohol by volume to guests who want to keep spending, but need to slow.

A few good examples are light beers, or more refreshing spritzer-style cocktails made with aperitifs or club soda, like an Aperol Spritz or mojito. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person’s head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile. Login Subscribe. My Account. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Emma Witman. At some bars, you’ll rarely see a dollar sign on the menu. Bartenders will use elegant-sounding language to describe simple drinks and entice you to order.

We’ll try to upsell you off the bat. If you’re celebrating something, you will be aggressively upsold. Holiday cocktails and other themed drinks are often pricier variations on generic, cheaper drinks. Some bars offer customers salty snacks that will make them thirsty. They offer drink «deals» that actually get you to spend. Rather than cut you off, we’ll sell you the less-strong stuff.

Cocktails BI-freelancer Bars Thirsty.

THE BEST BARS TO WORK AT — Bartending 101

Bartenders will use elegant-sounding language to describe simple drinks and entice you to order another.

So it comes down to the bartenders to create a buzz on the night. Keeping your guests happy is the very bare minimum that you should expect, but to make them talk about your place they have to go beyond the guests expectations and blow them away with your service. But should the bartenders also be the ones getting your guests buzzing about your bar outside the bar and online? Who knows your drinks offer better than eocial bartenders themselves? They are the ones who make the drinks every day, taste them, adjust the balance where its needed and take care of your guests needs. Bartenders are social beings, talking to your guests, your customers every single day. If you want to know what your guests are into, what your guests at the bar want, ask the bartender.
