Now a computer forensics specialist, Thomas understands perfectly. After a medical separation for a deployment injury last fall, Thomas, 32, landed 20 job interviews, 10 callbacks and three job offers before taking a position with an information technology company that needed his secret clearance. Evan Lesser, founder of the careers networking site ClearanceJobs. Sign up for the Rebootcamp Newsletter to receive helpful information on education, employment and entrepreneurship. By giving us your email, you are opting in to the Rebootcamp Newsletter. The most common types of security clearances are confidential, secret and top secret, which must be reinvestigated every 15, 10 and five years, respectively. Top secret, the most exclusive, involves the most extensive background check of criminal, financial, residential and other records, including contact with foreign nationals. Most jobs in the military require some level of clearance, and all service members are required to pass at least a minimum background investigation for handling sensitive information, a Pentagon spokeswoman said in an email. For employers, hiring a veteran with a clearance — good for two years after separation — joney multiple benefits. Doing so lets companies avoid the cost of having to sponsor or initiate a security clearance and minimizes exx hiring time for a cleared position, said George Bernloehr, military recruiting lead for government contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.
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Lindy Kyzer. Paul raised specific questions about Brennan, which are at the heart of the current kerfuffle over former officials and access to classified information: Is Brennan using information he learned in his former role and directly related to national security, to accuse the president of treason, and to promote his cable television commentary? If the government finds grounds to say, yes, he has access to classified information and he is using it in a non-official capacity, there is a precedent for prosecution. But that may not have anything to do with his security clearance. Because access to classified information is based on need to know, the security clearances of officials such as Brennan and Comey would only be active if they were sponsored by a government agency or contractor that required them to have access. While they may maintain their eligibility, their access to classified information remains based on national security. Ultimately, the president has the power to grant or revoke security clearances to whomever he chooses. The agency head decides which former officials need to retain access, and what form that access takes. That means a clearance revocation would also be more likely to come through their former agencies or executive branch offices versus a White House mandate. Former CIA Director John Deutch, who served during the Clinton administration, was found to have several incorrectly labeled laptop computers containing classified information in his possession after he was ousted from the agency. Deutch pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling government secrets. He was later pardoned by Clinton. The question of whether or not Brennan and other former White House officials still have security clearances may come down to a matter of semantics. Policy aside, when it comes to issues of national security, the White House has a trump card, beyond Trump himself.
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By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. The recent headlines regarding the current administration revocation of clearances, prompts the question. I would like to understand why this group of ex-government personnel not the line-level personnel has clearances and how the stakeholders benefit from sharing information. I realize that this a politically charged topic and no inference should be drawn from the question. My work experience has brought me face to face with clearances: no explanation is necessary as to how they work. Please stay focused on the question.
By Peter Schweizer and Seamus Bruner. On Aug. A security clearance reportedly yields a salary of up to 15 percent higher compared to the salaries of individuals without clearances for the same position. For the more than 4 million private-sector individuals holding clearances, the secretive private intelligence industry is a massive ecosystem, ripe for concealed cronyism. This period refers to the time that a government employee must wait before lobbying or even meeting with the agency or officials they once worked for, among other prohibited activities. Like Brennan at MSNBC, Clapper cashed in on his security clearance and now provides insights as a high-paid analyst for another major media outlet. Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, was accused of lying to Congress and the American people multiple times — even while under oath. Clapper initially denied discussing the dossier with Tapper, but later admitted it. Why would Lockheed Martin pay Comey so much money? Well, his access to top-secret program intel is one possibility. Another is what that security clearance provided access to — top-secret contracts from his old buddy, Robert Mueller. Examples like this go right to the heart of the issue of maintaining security clearances for ex-top officials. In theory, former officials retain their security clearances to, if called upon, provide some advice, context or background to their successors. Too often, officials go to work for large contractors like Lockheed Martin and Booz Allen Hamilton, where their still-active security clearances will be mutually profitable. Three days before he left office, Obama issued an Executive Order that consolidated investigative functions in the security-clearance review process.
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The verbal cross-fire occurred on Friday when Dennard, a supporter of US President Donald Trump, accused Mudd of profiting from his security clearance, which can give former US intelligence officials access to sensitive documents if they are called on by the government to advise.
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President Considers Removing Security Clearance Of Former Government Officials
They Criticized Trump. Now He’s Targeting Their Security Clearances.
Should President Donald Trump revoke the security clearances of several former Obama administration officials who have been criticizing him? Is this a scandal? If memory serves, most or all of us from the Bush administration National Security Council kept our clearances for at least a year. Because the incoming Obama White House thought that in the early months of a new administration, we might have some useful insights to impart—information about how past events had developed, or impressions of top people in foreign governments—and our successors wanted to be able to discuss classified information with us and elicit our views. Our knowledge was a wasting asset, so there would be no reason to keep the clearances going forever. The foreign officials we knew best would typically be out of their own jobs as the months and years progressed, and the crises we handled would usually recede into the past. I kept my clearance longer than one year, because I—like very many former officials—was occasionally asked to consult for some agency or another, or to participate in a war game or conference. The same reasons: so that classified information ex official s use security clearance to make money be discussed with them to elicit helpful reactions.
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