How much money do environmentalists make a year

how much money do environmentalists make a year

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Climate change is a huge concern, but misguided attacks won’t solve the issue, and the environmental movement is more financially motivated than some of its proponents would like us to think. July 28, I want to preface this column by saying that I am very concerned about climate change. The rapid growth of atmospheric carbon dioxide shows no sign of abating, and I have concerns over what this will ultimately mean for the climate. Having said that, I think it is important to maintain a healthy scientific discourse on the matter. Without a doubt, some of the attacks against climate science are ignorance-based. But some of those challenges and questions are by sincere people — sometimes scientists — who doubt the science in the same way that there have always been skeptics in science. In most cases the small band of skeptics is wrong, but sometimes they overturn entrenched paradigms. Those skeptics should be engaged on the basis of science, and not politics or personal animosity. So, in a nutshell I accept that accumulating carbon dioxide has the potential to change the climate — and may very well be doing so now — but I believe skeptics should be engaged scientifically rather than shouted down. On the flip side, I believe skeptics must engage on the basis of the science and not engage in ad hominem attacks. Not all skeptics are idiots. I have always considered myself an environmentalist, in that 1. I care about the environment; 2. I want to protect and preserve our wildlife; 3. I try to promote sustainability; and 4. I try to minimize my impact on the environment in my personal life. Certainly, many if not all who would characterize themselves as being a part of this movement are sincere and caring people who believe their actions are just, warranted, and effective. But far too often their actions are based upon misinformation.

how much money do environmentalists make a year

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how much money do environmentalists make a year
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