How to make money from making websites

how to make money from making websites

Maybe you want to create a separate stream of income to pay a few bills? Whatever your reason, the internet has created a ton of different ways to earn money. However, making money online can be lucrative, as there are many scams and ineffective methods out. One of the longest-running ways to make money online is through your own website. You pick a niche, generate traffic, and then sell that traffic your products and services. Here at Hostinger, we have plans perfect for those just getting started online. A lot of people start a blog as a way to express their views or as a creative outlet. Not every blogger will hit these figures, but if you take the right approach you have a solid chance of earning money with your blog. The above tips will help you get going in the right direction. An affiliate site is built upon recommending or reviewing certain products. Although it might not seem like a big revenue generator, there are multi-million dollar sites based on affiliate revenue. For example, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income generates a large chunk of his monthly income through affiliate marketing.

How to Make Money Online Without a Website

If you are wondering how to make money with a website, you are not alone. Lots of people are searching for ways that they can make some extra cash online. Their primary goal was focusing on creating something that would attract attention and big traffic. Once they had the traffic in place, lots of different ways to make money will present themselves. Although, I suspect that none of us will be creating the next huge internet start-up like Facebook , we would be wise to have a few things in mind when creating a new site. First, we should make sure there is a market for our site keyword research is big part of this. Secondly, we should try to create something of value. Finally, we should ideally find a niche that has money being spent in it. If you already have a website that is getting a bunch of traffic, congrats! You can skip this section and read all about how to make money from all those visitors coming to your website. If you want a complete tutorial on how to start a blog, go here. Or if you want an in-depth guide for how to build a niche website, go here. Ranking in search engines can be done through search engine optimization. However, there is basically a 3 step process for ranking in search engines that you should consider when trying to make money from your website. First, you need to try and rank for keywords that are not too difficult. If you are trying to rank in Google for something that is extremely competitive, even if thousands of people search for it every single month, will lower your chances of getting any traffic at all. So, I recommend that you target long tail keywords that are much easier to rank for. Then you just target lots of different keywords by writing great articles and you will be more likely to show up. You can learn more about long tail keywords right here. The way that you target keywords is to write an in-depth article on the subject. Depending on your subject, you may need to write an article that is 3, to 5, words long or even longer. You need to provide true value and depth of content to the people visiting your website. Once you provide value, not only are you more likely to rank in Google, but you are also more likely to make money from your website. A backlink is simply where one website mentions another website through a link that you can click. Google crawls the internet to see all the links that are out there pointing to your website and tends to rank your website higher when you have a higher quantity and quality of links. If you would like to learn more about getting links to your website, you can read a couple of articles here and here. Sometimes social media can be easier to attract than search engine traffic at least in the short term and in turn increase the revenue of their money-making website. In fact, many websites rely on social media for the majority of their traffic.

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Posted by R. Some links included here are from our sponsors. Read our Disclaimer and Advertiser Disclosure. In this post, I asked Beck to share her inspirational story, plus everything there is to know about how to make money building websites. I was a shy and introverted teen that had very few friends so was very thankful when I discovered online chat rooms and forums. These chat rooms were using something called a Java Applet to run and were usually hosted on a free site such as Geocities or Angelfire.

Make money building websites with a web pro side hustle

Well, no — actually, far from it! There are multiple ways you can make money through a website. Sure, online stores play their part, but these days, anyone can grab a slice of sweet profit pie… and we can show you how. Some methods of monetization are simple, some a little more complex, but all can work wonders — if done right. And the best part is, anyone can set one up! DIY ecommerce website builders, such as Shopify and BigCommerce, have made it easier than ever for non-techie folk to create their own online store. They are online tools that come with pre-designed templates. All you have to do is pick a template, add your own content and products, and embed any features you need. Features are things like subscription forms or website analytics. Most basic features can be found already built into Shopify and BigCommerce, but both provide app stores where you can install any extras needed. For the more technical of you out there, WordPress. WordPress is a content management system CMS that is self-hosted and lets you build your site from the ground up. There are pre-designed templates you can use, but WordPress is a lot more fluid, offering limitless customization. Founded by two normal guys — neither of whom are called Harry — the company set up its own ecommerce website using Shopify. Not too shabby. This is just one example, but goes to show that any idea, however simple or small, can be transformed into an ecommerce empire. Another common way people make money online is by selling their services. It could be anything — from creating tailored diet plans, to a window cleaning business. This works in much the same way as online stores. Website builders like Wix and Squarespace are even easier to use than ecommerce platforms. Wix in particular is arguably the easiest way to create your own website. Much like ecommerce platforms, it lets you pick from over pre-designed Wix templates. What makes Wix easier is its drag-and-drop editor, where you can literally move anything on your website to anywhere on the page! The trick to selling a service is finding your USP unique selling point. What makes your service different from others out there? As her career went from strength to strength, she built her very own website using Wix, which showcased a portfolio of her work. It has also allowed agencies and brands to get in contact with her for potential collaborations. This has since gone on to form the bedrock of her modelling career, as she continues to redefine what fashion means in the modern day.

How to Make Money Online With a Website Or Blog

Maybe you want to create a separate stream of income to pay a few bills? Whatever your reason, the internet has created a ton of different ways to earn money. However, making money online can be lucrative, as there are many scams and ineffective methods out.

One of the longest-running ways to make money online is through your own website. You pick a niche, generate traffic, and then sell that traffic your products and services. Here at Hostinger, we have plans perfect for those just getting started online. A lot of people start a blog as a way to express their views or as a creative outlet.

Not every blogger will hit these figures, but if you take the right approach you have a solid chance of earning money with your blog. The above tips will help you get going in the right direction. An affiliate site is built upon recommending or reviewing certain products.

Although it might not seem like a big revenue generator, there are multi-million dollar sites based on affiliate revenue. For example, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income generates a large chunk of his monthly income through affiliate marketing. For instance, if you have a blog dedicated to computers and technologies, you can become a Hostinger affiliate! Take Bitcatchafor example. This website writes reviews about hosting services, VPN tools, and site builders.

Every time it mentions a product, an affiliate link is included in the post. Then, use the provided marketing materials — like banners, ebooks, and infographics — to increase sales. If you prefer dealing with physical products and selling something tangible, then opening up an eCommerce store could be a great fit. The first approach can be very successful, but it does require a passion for the product and the willingness to do a ton of research, product development, and testing.

But, the massive success of stores like SkinnyMe TeaBeardBrandand Ratio Coffee show that you can reach the heights of success with your eCommerce store. If the first approach seems a little risky for your first online business, then you might consider the second option of reselling popular overseas products.

This method involves sourcing a popular product from a platform like AliExpressrepacking the product, and selling it through your own storefront. You can personally handle shipping and order fulfillment. Or, you can employ a popular method called drop shippingwhere the manufacturer handles it for you.

Reseller hosting is another great way to make money online. In fact, we offer this service on our sister project Hosting The basic idea of reseller hosting is providing a dedicated server space, which you can use to build your very own web hosting brand. It allows you to:. Since cPanel is the best known tool to manage a hosting account, it will be easy to attract new users. The server uptime is also monitored by an in-house administrator team, which ensures good uptime and availability.

The following perks will let you focus on user acquisition, rather than the technical aspects of server management. Who knows, you may become one of the web hosting giants if you put enough effort!

It seems like digital courses are everywhere today! So, if you have valuable knowledge that someone would pay for, this could be a great option. In addition to having your own courses, learning platforms such as BitDegree offer a chance to become an instructor. Digital courses can be produced in a lot of different formats, from simple PDF downloads, all the way up to self-produced video courses that have dozens of hours of content. Creating online courses can be very powerful path.

Like most other methods on this list, digital courses can be integrated into most styles of websites including blogs, eCommerce sites, and even affiliate sites. And it has since grown into a six-figure business! Membership sites have exploded in popularity recently. The idea is easy enough to implement. But, it does require having an existing audience of some sort. For example, Mark Manson runs a popular self-development blog. People are already how to make money from making websites your website because they like what you write about and how you write it.

So, you create a membership part of your site that has premium content that sits behind a paywall. The type of membership site you create will depend upon the kind of site you run and the level of depth you want to go with your premium content. If you like the idea, check out our guide on how to create a membership website using WordPress. Sometimes the ads are intrusive, but other times they integrate naturally with the content. Monetizing your site via advertising is usually reserved for when your site is receiving a large volume of traffic.

But, if your traffic numbers are high and only continue to grow, then this option could be worth exploring. There are other ad networks like Ezoic and Media.

Both of which have an approval process and site evaluation. These networks also have the benefit of working with you to optimize your advertising revenue. If you have a niche audience, this can be a pretty lucrative option. Instead of using one of the ad networks above you could sell ad space to large mattress companies. You also have one final option of creating sponsored content. This is where a company will pay you to create sponsored content and you post the content on your site.

Create a niche blog that contains useful information about a certain topic. You can add a services page to your site where you offer health coaching, whether in person or through mediums like Skype. The other method involves creating a WordPress website for the sole purpose of pitching your services to companies and individuals. You choose a niche and build your website. Then, you create a few pages telling people who you are, the services you provide and showcase a few samples of your work.

Then, you start generating leads for your new service business by doing things like guest blogging, podcast interviews, or cold outreach. The process is simple. People looking to hire someone in a specific niche will post a job listing on your site and your visitors will apply for the job. You can either charge people to post job listings. Or, you could charge your visitors a monthly membership fee to access the job board. Keep in mind that you do need to have decent traffic in order for this to work.

Here companies and individuals will pay a fee to post a job listing on the site. Since ProBlogger is an authority site with a large audience, businesses who post a job will get hundreds of applications for each listing. When creating a job board make sure you have a solid audience that has a synergy with companies in your space. They work in a similar fashion to the job board. If you have an authoritative site or get a lot of traffic, then these listings are pretty valuable.

You produce high-quality content and have a solid amount of authority. You could create a directory portion of your site where web developers and agencies can purchase a listing. This will not only provide them with a solid authoritative backlink, but it could be a nice source of traffic for their business. Usually, directories work by charging a monthly subscription fee to be listed.

You could even charge a premium fee to let businesses list themselves at the top of the directory, getting even more eyeballs on their listing. Depending on your site this can be a pretty lucrative option.

On average your site will sell for a multiple of your monthly income. The multiple will depend on a variety of factors, but you can usually expect to sell for anything from a 12x to 30x multiple. Creating a profitable website is a great way to create a long-term income online. But, there are still ways you can start making money online without having to create a website. Today is the best time in history to become an author. The self-publishing revolution has made it possible for anyone to make a living by publishing books.

But, by writing the best book possible, and satisfying reader expectations, you can increase your chances of success. When publishing your own Kindle books, every aspect of the publishing process is under your control. But, for all that extra work you get a bigger slice of the pie. Your success as an author is entirely under your control. Write the best book possible and build an email list of your ideal readers.

Think about how many emails you get in your inbox every single day. Creating a niche email newsletter can be a great way to reach a targeted group of people and create a solid and sustainable business. Million dollar businesses like The Skimm have been built on the back of a daily email newsletter.

Once you have a sizeable list that opens your emails you have multiple ways to monetize that list like:. There are a ton of freelance sites full of hungry clients who are looking for someone with your skillset.

The worst thing you can do as a freelancer is brand yourself as a generalist. For example, are you a WordPress developer for SaaS companies, a cryptocurrency writer, or a startup founder ghostwriter?

This site is dedicated to helping you become a highly paid freelancer. The process of buying and selling websites is like the process of flipping homes.

How to Make Money Online With a Website Or Blog

When you think of starting a small businessthe overhead and upfront costs can be intimidating and deter you from starting your project. At bare minimum, a working computer and high-speed internet connection will be the two main requirements you will need to get started. Depending on the services you plan to offer as a web pro, you might also need software to help you designbuild, and code websites. Most tools, however, are low-cost and offer a monthly subscription program that allows you to make a small investment while you build up your list of clients. In addition to the low startup fees for a web pro side hustle, marketing costs can also be relatively low when compared to other businesses. Most web pros find that their side hustle allows them to work on their own time and at their own pace without having to be micromanaged. Instead, provide a timeline that is slightly longer than what you truly expect the project will require. The will give you enough of a time buffer in case you are not able to work certain days or if you run into any issues that delay the project. Most of the time, your projects will be completed long before the quoted timeframe and will make your clients happy for completing tasks before the projected deadline. Another great benefit of having a side hustle as a web pro is the flexibility to decide how your clients pay you. Depending on your goals and type of work, you can choose to bill your clients by the hour or charge a fixed amount for an entire project. Clients will shop around and most likely choose a web pro that has low pricing, so it will be up to you to ensure your clients find value in the hourly rate you are charging so that you do not undersell your services. Additionally, clients with large projects might need a lower hourly rate, while clients with smaller and one-off projects should be charged at a higher hourly rate. Charging a fixed rate for a project is great if you know the full details of a project. You should not charge a fixed rate if you have never completed a similar project, or if the client does not specify clear and specific goals or requirements. It is never fun to charge a fixed rate for a project that ends up requiring double the work than you had originally anticipated. Unlike a full-time job where you have no control over your workload, making money by building websites on the side puts you in control of the number of projects you decide to take on.
