How can i make money paying other people s unpaid taxes

how can i make money paying other people s unpaid taxes

Why Zacks? Learn to Be a Better Investor. Forgot Password. There’s a popular myth about a cna who pays delinquent taxes on someone else’s property fan then becomes the owner. If you’re a property owner, it’s a scary myth, and if you’re attracted to the idea of getting something for nothing, it’s appealing. But it’s largely just a myth. The reality is substantially different. You can always pay someone else’s property taxes, whether they’re back taxes or current. There’s no law against it, and some homeowners might encourage it because, except in the most unusual circumstances, there’s no benefit to you for paying .

Delinquent or back property taxes have caused many homeowners to lose their properties. However, homeowners owing delinquent property taxes usually have some time to pay and can even have somebody else pay them. No law prohibits someone from paying the property taxes due on another person’s property, after all. But just because you pay back taxes on someone else’s property doesn’t mean you’ll gain any sort of legal interest or ownership right to that property. Local governments and municipalities owed property taxes have no concern about who pays the taxes. For example, your parents or friends could step in and pay your delinquent property taxes if they’d like. Payment of someone else’s property’s taxes, delinquent or not, can also help a squatter eventually establish property rights to property on which he’s squatting. However, payment of delinquent property taxes on someone else’s property won’t normally convey any sort of ownership right to the property. Some states, though not California, allow counties to sell their property tax liens as certificates, which give purchasers certain lienholder rights. By buying a tax lien certificate you are, in effect, paying off the back taxes attached to the property listed on the certificate. Purchasers of property tax lien certificates are paid interest on them, with owners warned by counties that their tax liens now belong to others. Property tax lien certificate holders can even foreclose the properties attached to those certificates. California hold tax deed auctions on properties where owners are already five years delinquent on taxes. Winning the deed at auction gives you ownership and title on the house. People paying delinquent taxes on someone else’s property sometimes wonder who can claim any available property tax deductions. IRS property tax deduction rules note that property tax deductions go to the owners of those properties. In other words, you can pay the back taxes on your parents’ home or your friend’s home but you still couldn’t claim the tax deduction. In general, when you pay someone else’s property taxes you’re doing a good deed, but that’s about it. Counties maintain lists of property tax liens and whether they’re selling them and when. Some counties sell property tax liens for pennies on the dollar. Property taxes in many counties can be paid online, in person or through the mail. Most counties levy property taxes semi-annually, and delinquent taxes may be spread over two or more periods. Typically, counties wait one to two years before they foreclose for delinquent property taxes, which gives people time to pay them.

Where Do You Find Tax Delinquent Property for Sale?

The increasing volatility of the stock market, combined with still historically low interest rates, has many investors seeking alternative avenues to provide a decent rate of return. One investment niche often overlooked is property tax liens. This unique opportunity can provide knowledgeable investors with excellent rates of return in some case. Property liens can also carry substantial risk, which means novice buyers need to understand the rules and potential pitfalls that come with this type of asset. This article discusses tax liens, how you can invest in them, and what disadvantages come with this kind of investment vehicle. When a landowner fails to pay the taxes on his or her property, the city or county in which the property is located has the authority to place a lien on the property.

How to Avoid Taxes … Seriously

There are many ways to make ttaxes in real estate. You can own properties outright and sell them at a profit. You can purchase them and earn rental income. You can buy shares of real estate stocks or funds. If a municipality places a tax lien on a property, an individual can buy that tax lien and then collect the taxes and interest from the owner. If you are considering delving into tax lien investing, here are some key things you should know before taking the plunge. It all starts when someone fails to pay the necessary taxes on property they. Once this happens, a municipality will place a lien on that property. Currently, 29 states and the District of Columbia allow tax lien certificates to investors through an auction process. Roughly 2, cities, hod, and counties sell public tax debt, according to the National Tax Lien Association. Municipalities do this because they will receive cash immediately for payinv taxes. The sale of tax lien certificates also helps homeowners, because it provides them a time during which they can pay the owed taxes. During the auction process, investors will compete to see who will accept the lowest interest rate or bid the highest premium for the tax lien. The goal of the investor is to collect the taxes plus associated interest on the lien, and hope it results in more money than what they paid. Tax lien investors make money from the interest on the liensand this can prove to be quite lucrative because rates are often high. The property owner has a redemption period to pay the required taxed plus. This typically ranges from years depending on the state. But sometimes, the property owner does not ultimately pay the tax lien. When this happens, the owner of the tax lien has the right to foreclose on the property and can become the owner.
