How much do independent publishers make money

how much do independent publishers make money

The title of this post is tongue-in-cheek, but it highlights an important issue. A lot of authors have been burned by predatory publishing companies, marketing firms or services promising publkshers world and delivering little. Usually, authors spend way too much on their first book and see no results, then spend two years figuring out what went wrong, before finally learning kndependent to self-publish well for much. You can spend years learning how to self-publish and still screw everything up by trying to DIY a shoddy book cover. Or do you want to be writing books? How much do independent publishers make money, the big successes really are doing great self-publishing their books. Mark Dawson, as far as I know, was making about half a million a year on book sales, and now has a course on advertising for authors. I give away TONS of imdependent content and have for the last 5 years.


Further, the way that some authors overcome this discouragement is fascinating — almost to the point of willful insanity. And if you want to go traditional, go for it. However, again, most books fail — and traditional publishers are not great at book marketing. Self-publishing has its benefits: more control, more agility and speed. You can focus on writing and publishing, instead of waiting around to hear if somebody wants to publish you. But it also has its risks: you need to have a well designed book, a nice looking website, and you need to set up a marketing funnel. You need to know who your readers are and how to reach them. Books get cheaper to publish the more you learn. Exclusive Bonus: Want to make a living with your writing? Most sources will tell you the average is skewed by a handful of indie authors selling tens of thousands of books. Because, if you compare yourself to the crap other authors are putting out, and recognize that your book is better looking, better written, and you are more serious than those other authors, you can expect greater success. Include all self-published books if you wish to pat yourself on the back for beating that number, or if you wish to discourage authors from self-publishing. If I wish to set a good benchmark to aim for, there are many books that I would exclude from the list:.

how much do independent publishers make money

You got this!

It reminds me that there are some listeners; that people are not only listening, but actively taking the advice and using it to change their lives. The following is one such email; received from a self-published author who broke the six-figure mark. And, she credits posts she read on this blog for that, and for getting her into self-publishing in the first place. The dawn of a New Year is when many of us turn our attention to goals we want to accomplish. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. First, I want to let you know — again — how much I appreciate your blog. You were so right. I added coaching sessions based on my blog and book and it was THEN that things took off. I will likely take YOUR course about it to learn more. Also, about once or twice a year, someone that I coach will have a great book idea for themselves and I will encourage them to do it and then help with that. This has really proven to give my income a boost. You can too! Learn how to:. Diversifying your writing income streams is one of the easiest ways to make a full-time living as a writer. Thanks to advances made in marketplaces like self-publishing and online education, the ways to make money writing are more diverse than ever. Learn more.

How to watch out for scams

I’ve been given an opportunity, I’m sure not many people are so fortunate. My friend from high school made lots of money in the real estate business and has used his money to start a business. He’s created a new energy drink AND a relaxation drink. From my research googlingI’ve found that ‘relaxation’ drinks are up and coming and his new drink will mzke, I think, the 3rd one maek come how much do independent publishers make money.

He’s made me a distributor out here on the west coast without ANY money up. Everything is being given to me up front, i.

This all seems kind of surreal to me, seeing that I could be making lots of money doing. The products are very attractive and I’m almost sure that they will sell.

So how much money, potentially, could I be looking at making this summer and beyond? All this has been on my mind for a while, and I’m just curious to know if I’m just blind and not seeing the reality in all. Inputs and opinions greatly appreciated. Trending News. Singer falls silent, dies during live performance.

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Answer Save. Favorite Answer. Karen Lv 4. I believe the publisher pays for the books that are sent to the distributor. Still have questions? Get your answers by how much do independent publishers make money .

How Much Money Do (Indie) Authors Make?

Salary and Qualifications

I sold copies in April on ten books with income split about evenly from Amazon Kindle, paperback and audiobooks. This post will walk you through what you need to know along with five secrets to make money self-publishing books on Amazon. Keep in mind that the books average about pages each and took between and hours to write. One moneey the best sources for freelancers for cover designs and formatting maek through Fiverr. Pulishers it puglishers though and you can make money self-publishing. Four of my books are consistently ranked within the top five for both their categories and the limited promotion I do is all free through social media. This is probably one of the biggest problems I see with bloggers and others trying to make independdnt go of the work from home lifestyle. Very few income sources will produce enough every month to pay all your bills. You may get close during the good months, but income is so irregular that other months may leave you scrambling for cash. I make money on seven different income sources regularly and a few others on a more irregular basis. Diversifying my income like this means I never have to worry about one source dropping or chasing clients to get paid. I put nine of the best income sources into Make Money Blogging, a step-by-step into getting started making money online.
