Make money shopufy affiliate marketing

make money shopufy affiliate marketing

The Shopify Affiliate Program includes entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, content creators, who inspire and teach their audience about entrepreneurship with Shopify. The program is free to join, and allows affiliates to monetize their audience and earn commissions from each new Shopify merchant referral. To maximize your earnings, each referral will be supported to help them transition from trial to paid plan. If you’re new to the Shopify platform, then you can apply to the Affiliates program by signing up for a Partner account. If sgopufy already a Shopify Partner, then you can also apply to be an Affiliate by going to the Affiliate tools page in your Partner Dashboard, then clicking Apply today. Your application must include an active website, sample content of how you intend to promote Shopify, and your past experience if any in digital marketing. Your application must also explain your experience and skills with Shopify and other platforms and how they plan to promote Shopify. Applicants with any level of expertise, audience size, language proficiency, and geographic location are encouraged to apply. Common types of Shopify Affiliates markehing educators, product reviewers, business influencers, content creators, agencies, and Shopify merchants. In most cases, applications to the Shopify Affiliate Program are processed within five business days. If your application is approved, then you’ll receive an email with an affiliate link to promote Shopify, and some tools to help you get started.

Shopify is not only the best online store platform in the industry but also have the best affiliate program in its niche. Lets take a look at Shopify affiliate program. Want to earn big? Of course there are several ways to earn money with Shopify. From building you own eCommerce store to being their partner. The first and foremost step is to create a Shopify Affiliate account. Visit Shopify affiliates and sign up for it. Now, you can setup you own referral link. Now that you have successfully completed signing up for the Shopify Affiliate Partner Program, you can use the link to promote Shopify and earn big, literally! After creating your account on Shopify Affiliates , you will be provided a special link to Shopify that can be promoted across blogs or social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other. What next? The moment a new customer signs up for Shopify through the link provided, you will start earning. Just focus on building long-term partnerships with influencers, bloggers and ambassadors! There are three ways using which you can make money with Shopify just by being their partner. This is pretty easy and straight forward. All you have to do is promote Shopify using the resources they provide, and just when you refer a customer to create their eCommerce store and choose the plan, you earn credit for completing the sale! Do you want to gain the most out of your website traffic? Now monetize your blog by simply adding Shopify banners or affiliate links to your blog posts. You can also write detailed reviews about this program, rule SERPs, drive more traffic and increase the number of sign ups — consequently leading to increased income! Even then you can earn by promoting Shopify. To make sale, you can use any internet marketing medium like email, paid campaigns, social media sites, media buys or any other to refer customers. Everytime a customer signs up for Shopify Affiliates, you would see the numbers rising higher! Shopify Useful Resources. Shopify Blog. Shopify Plus. Shopify Magento.

What’s the difference between a referral program and an affiliate program?

One often overlooked approach is the effectiveness of affiliate marketing, and knowing how to create an affiliate program that helps your customers and advocates do your marketing for you. Struggling to grow sales? Learn how to go from first day to first sale in this free training course. Affiliate marketing is a reward-based system that encourages partners to promote your products in exchange for a commission. A customer, advocate, or industry marketer signs up for your affiliate program and sends visitors to your store through their special referral link, and any sales that you make as a result of their promotion earns the marketer a reward.

make money shopufy affiliate marketing

Table of Contents

Note that I am not talking about recruiting affiliates for your Shopify store. Shopify is an e-commerce platform where you can start a store online or accept credit card at post-office. The plans are as follow see the pricing page for details :. When the customer pays for a full year or for two years, you earn that big affiliate commission. If you refer a Shopify plus member, you earn high commission anyway. This is how I experienced the highest pay possible with Shopify affiliate program. Do you think Shopify is the right platform for you to start an online store? Try it free for 14 days , no credit card required. Pin this image on Pinterest. Shopify is one of the highest paying affiliate programs online. You can make money with the Shopify affiliate program or the Shopify partner program. Everyone can be a partner and an affiliate; as long as you have a website or blog. Only the theme and app creator makes money from the Shopify theme and Shopify app sale. As an affiliate, you make money sending customers to buy shopify plans to open stores and sell online. How I targeted the right customers; improved my website with a checklist. But nope. I did not do these. In fact, there are tasks I do on all of my blog posts; but I did not specifically target Shopify customers. I just write naturally. And when I reference an awesome program, I use my affiliate link if I have one. Get one from the screenshot below. It does not happen everyday. I got many people to sign on Shopify using these pages. And the highest commission comes from them too. I got a reader who loves the Shopify services and uses their Shopify Plus plan. No bluffing needed to earn money. You can check out the Shopify affiliate FAQ page which may answer many of your questions. You can promote Shopify affiliate programs to make money.


You are currently visiting shopify. To maximize your earnings, each referral will be nurtured to help them transition from trial to paid plan. Get priority Shopify Partner support at any time via phone, email, or live chat. Save time and money on content creation by linking to blogs, webinars, video tutorials, tools, and automated funnels developed by Shopify for your audience. Shopify made make money shopufy affiliate marketing a no brainer to recommend their product to my community. It is the most solid ecommerce platform on the market and the affiliate program and affiliate managers are just amazing to work with! It is something that I promote with confidence and without hesitation. I have worked with dozens of companies over my 11 years online, and I have to say that Shopify has been one of the best to work with! Their affiliate managers and program have made it easy for me to promote their product, make money, and provide value to my community. I LOVE recommending Shopify to my clients because the platform is very easy to use, quick to set up, and very affordable. I will continue to recommend it over any other ecommerce platform! If your audience is looking to launch a business, migrate an existing store from another platform, or monetize hobbies with commerce, we encourage you to apply for the Shopify Affiliate Program.
